
星期二, 4月 11, 2017

劍橋合唱團 2017春季音樂會【聽泉】 5/21

Listen to the Spring: To Africa, Dream Chaser!
MIT CCCS 2017 Spring Concert May 21st, 7PM at MIT Kresge Auditorium
MIT Cambridge Chinese Choral Society (CCCS) will be performing its 2017 Spring Concert “Listen to the Spring: To Africa, Dream Chaser!” on Sunday night, 5/21, 7PM at MIT Kresge Auditorium (48 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge MA).
“Listen to the Spring: To Africa, Dream Chaser!” showcases music from two distinctive cultures. We will be performing new choral pieces of folk and Taiwanese songs, as well as traditional choral music based on Chinese poetry.
Then we will bring you to East Africa and explore the currently popular Missa Kenya composition. By adding French horn and percussion plus adapting his experience in Kenyatta University, composer Paul Basler merges East Africa and Western culture to produce a most dramatic yet harmonic music. Joining by instrumentalists from Boston Conservatory, we promise our concert will be an unforgettable musical experience that you don’t want to miss!
This concert will be conducted by the University of Illinois Choral Conducting DMA Dr. Yufen Yen, and accompanied by current Boston University Piano DMA candidate I-Ying Lin. For ticket information, please email us at cccs-officers@mit.edu. Checks only at the door.
MIT CCCS will start recruitment for the Fall of 2017 after the Spring concert. Our choral group rehearses regularly at 8 PM on Friday nights at MIT. If you are interested in being part of MIT CCCS, please reach out to us directly after the concert. You may also contact us at 217-979- 9719, or email us at cccs-officer@mit.edu.
劍橋合唱團 2017春季音樂會【聽泉】
5月21日 晚間7點 MIT Kresge Auditorium

劍橋合唱團5月21日星期日晚間7點將在麻省理工學院Kresge Auditorium
(48 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA) 舉行2017春季音樂會【聽泉 】。

本次音樂會上下半場風格迥異。上半場將演出台灣校園民歌及當代青年作曲家的作作品,包括劉新誠改編的「聽泉」、冉天豪作曲的「尋夢者」(原為戴望舒詩作)、「願」(原為蔣勳詩作)、現居波士頓的鋼琴家周鑫泉作曲的「去罷」(原為徐志摩詩作)、林育伶的台語合唱曲「四季的風」。下半場的「肯亞彌撒Missa Kenya」是作曲家Paul Basler將自己在東非肯亞的教學經驗與西方音樂融合的美麗果實,將邀請波士頓音樂院的法國號演奏家呂佳鴻、打擊樂手鄭育薇、張慈恩跨界演出。最後還有最受團員熱愛的隱藏曲目,精彩可期。

本次音樂會由顏毓芬博士擔任指揮,波士頓大學鋼琴博士候選人林宜穎擔任伴奏,近40位熱愛合唱音樂的歌手擔綱演出。演出憑票入場,購票請洽cccs-officers@mit.edu 。現場購票僅收支票。

聯絡電話:217-979-9719,Email: cccs-officers@mit.edu
