
星期日, 7月 02, 2017





               (Boston Orange 周菊子劍橋市報導)“訊息讓人記得住,決策者會採取行動,聽眾會記得你。曾任IBM副總裁的湯威頤,624日在紐英崙玉山科技協會講座中,闡述如何做一份有高度影響力的簡報。
               紐英崙玉山科協從許翠玲接任會長後,辦活動聚焦於幫助年輕人提升能力,增加專業知識。日前在微軟創新中心舉辦的講座,不但請來曾任IBM副總裁,現在是I3nsight董事長 ,也是玉山理事的湯威頤來闡述高影響力簡報(High Impact presentation)”該怎麼做,還安排曾獲德國iF設計獎的包盛盈做司儀,有項目在手的陳立洋,彭浩帆,黃士芳等3名年輕人做簡報,請湯威頤現場點評 ,讓人更有概念。
               湯威頤還自己訂定了有關簡報的10點定律。1. 資訊科技架構是讓不同領域社會科技平台交流的地方,2,策略是要建立特別的科技系統方向和界線,3. 目的是宣布,在什麼狀況下要由誰利用什麼來達成什麼。4,沒有那納什均衡(非合作博弈均衡)原理,就不可能有長久的利益相關者關係。5, 追隨功能的表格,6. 實際行動會跟隨表格出現,7. 資訊科技是系統的系統,某些傳承是隱含的,遺傳的,8. 複雜是你的朋友,架構複雜是為了減少複雜程度,9. 根據準則(ilities)的來形成,設計,執行並經營,10, 純硬體的系統不存在,重力中心轉移到了服務上。
               湯威頤以馬丁賈克斯(Martin JacquesTED中的演講,了解中國崛起來舉例,要年輕人記住,衝擊力(Impact)意味著,聽眾會記得你的訊息,決策者會採取行動,聽眾會記得你。
               湯威頤為和更多人分享自己的經驗心得,他還寫了1本書,今年11月將由 Springer GmbH.出版的主管決策理論:社會科技系統時代( Executive Decision Synthesis: A Sociotechnical System Paradigm)。(圖片已於6月25日發表)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nYFpuc2Umk cycles of dissonance & resolution
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H67JgLwyF4 TED guidelines
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUXkThfQx6A More TED guidelines
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iwpi1Lm6dFo TED how-to
https://www.overdrive.com/media/1472748/say-it-with-presentations-revised-expanded McKinsey how-to book

星期六, 7月 01, 2017

波士頓亞美專協 7/29 年度燒烤會

NAAAP Boston to Host Annual Barbecue at Arsenal Park

NAAAP Boston, in collaboration with Meetup, is hosting its annual barbecue at Arsenal Park in Watertown on Saturday, July 29th from 12 PM to 4 PM. Everyone is welcome to the event for a day of great food and fun activities. During the annual barbecue, NAAAP Boston will be kicking off their new Successful Parents in NAAAP (SPIN) program, so attendees are encouraged to bring their children and families to the event.  

The Summer Barbecue is an excellent way to meet fellow NAAAP members, reconnect with friends, and make new connections. Attendees will have the chance to relax, take in the summer sunshine, enjoy some fine barbecue fare, join in on a few outdoor games, and even participate in a raffle. Last year more than 125 people attended this event, so don’t miss out!

For additional information please visit https://goo.gl/2VXGQg

預算談不攏 緬因州政府將部分停擺

      (Boston Orange)州長和議會談不攏政府年度預算,緬因州政府71(週六)起,部分停擺。
      緬因州共和黨籍州長Paul LePage和眾議會共和黨籍議員們希望減少開支,支持一些被否決的政策計畫,並全面刪減所得稅。
民主黨籍眾議會議長Sara Gideon表示,深夜在州長住宅舉行的會議她離席,是因為州長針對她的過激行動。


薪資福利談不攏 塔醫護士計畫7/12罷工

            (Boston Orange)代表塔芙茨(Tufts)醫療中心1200名護士的工會週六(7`1)早上說,和塔醫高層在員工,薪資及福利上無法達成協議,712日將罷工。
            代表工會和塔大談判的工會共同主席,本身也是護士的Barbara Tiller表示,在很多個月前,他們就已經對病人的安全,缺乏資源,以及報酬遲滯表達了憂慮。它們已經進一切可能來使塔醫高層了解狀況。
            塔醫執行長萬格納(Michael Wagner)博士表示,他對工會的宣佈感到極為失望。由於麻州護士協會曾向許多醫院提出罷工威脅,該院已有準備,將從全美各地找來合格註冊護士在罷工期間提供服務。
            數天前,麻州護士工會在春田市的灣州法蘭克林醫療中心(Baystate Franklin Medical Center)罷工。該中心約有200名護士工會會員。


Fidelity 1500 名員工將優離

(Boston Orange)波士頓環球報71日報導,大約1500多名穫多利(Fidelity)投資公司元將接受該公司有史以來第一次提出的自願離職辦法(buy out)
穫多利發言人Vincent Loporchio表示,為了迎接新的金錢管理模式,向旗下3000名工作人員提出自願離職辦法,但接受這辦法的人竟超過一半,讓該公司驚訝不已。




BOSTON - Friday, June 30, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today signed the City's $3.15 billion Fiscal Year 2018 budget, which through strong fiscal management and strategic savings initiatives allows for further investment in quality City services in neighborhoods across Boston, and builds on the success of existing City programs. During a signing ceremony hosted outside of a building marked by graffiti, Mayor Walsh joined members of his Cabinet and City staff, neighbors, community partners and local elected officials for the signing ceremony, that concluded with the graffiti busters team removing the graffiti from the wall.
"This budget invests in our broadest vision of the future and in the details that support quality of life everyday," said Mayor Walsh. "Behind each line in the budget is a person and a neighborhood benefiting from these city services. It reflects the voices and the values of the people of Boston, and it is one that we can be proud of as a City."
The $3.15 billion budget proposal represents an increase of $148.5 million, or 5 percent, over the FY17 budget, and follows 27 City Council hearings that identified opportunities for further targeted investments, while still balancing sustainability and fiscal responsibility. Investments in this budget are made possible due to savings initiatives launched under this Administration such as reduced overtime hours, health care cost containment reforms,  and lower debt service costs achieved as a result of the City's triple A bond rating.
"The FY18 budget expands investment across City departments, improving fire safety, providing expanded learning opportunities to the City's children, and providing the resources to make our parks and streets safer and cleaner," said David Sweeney, Chief Financial Officer for the City of Boston. "Because of Boston's robust economic development climate, the Mayor is able to build new firehouses, invest one billion dollars in school buildings, expand Vision Zero, and incorporate more Art into our public assets."
"As the Chair of the City Council Committee on Ways and Means, I was honored to lead the Council's review of this year's budget with a focus on providing a responsible and sustainable financial blueprint for our city," said City Councilor Mark Ciommo. "In an era of gridlock and divisiveness at the federal level, and financial uncertainty in our state government, the City of Boston's duty to provide a stable fiscal outlook has never been more important. I have always said that a city's budget reflects its priorities; this year's budget showcases Boston's commitment to its students, seniors, and safe streets for families across the city."
The Boston School Committee approved a $1.061 billion budget for the Boston Public Schools (BPS) , which is projected to increase to $1.081 billion once collectively bargained cost increases are added, the largest appropriation in BPS history. That represents a projected $40 million increase since last year, and a $143 million increase since Mayor Walsh took office. In total funding increases for education surpasses all other areas combined. Funding directed to schools, will increase by almost 4 percent, a $25 million increase over FY17, even before employee collective bargaining increases are negotiated. In total, with this budget, staff levels at BPS will have increased by approximately 250 since Mayor Walsh took office in 2014.
This budget includes:
  • $14 million more in extended learning time to allow more than 15,000 additional students in 39 schools to receive 120 more hours of learning time, or the equivalent of 20 added school days a year;
  • Numerous research-driven education investments and reforms, including expanding Excellence for All, adding pre-kindergarten (K1) seats, and providing supports to 3,000 students that have been identified as experiencing homelessness, in an effort to eliminate achievement gaps.
Mayor Walsh's Administration will continue ensuring that city streets are clean by adding a full-time hokey (street cleaner) to every Public Works District, to help patrol neighborhoods, empty our litter baskets, and pick up trash. In addition, to improve safety and expand access to our streets, Boston is launching a citywide, multi-year campaign to bring all crosswalks, lane markings and bike lanes into a good state of repair.
Other investments include:
  • Two additional graffiti busters to ensure Boston's neighborhoods remain clean. Through CityScore, Boston saw an increase in demand for graffiti removal beyond what current staffing levels could remove on time;
  • Additional building inspectors to increase capacity to meet the growing demand for commercial and residential inspections. This will result in a reduction of inspection waiting time for residents and developers alike;
  • Two additional yard waste pickups next summer to better meet constituents' needs.
Mayor Walsh will double the capacity of the Mobile Sharps Team to pick up more improperly discarded hypodermic needles, due to an increase in requests submitted through 311. Over 20,000 needles were collected by the team in 2016.
Other investments in health and safety include:
  • Uses data to change the way we deploy Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) to Boston Common and the Recovery Road area to improve patient outcomes and ambulance utilization;
  • Expansion of PAATHS (Providing Access to Addictions Treatment, Hope and Support) to include evenings and weekends;
  • Add four new mental health clinicians to the Boston Emergency Services Team (BEST) to co-respond with police officers to people exhibiting signs of mental illness. With these additional clinicians, the program will be able to cover all districts in the City and expand the program's success in diverting people from arrest to mental health resources;
The budget supports Housing a Changing City - Boston 2030, the Walsh Administration's comprehensive plan to accommodate Boston's rapid growth and stabilize the housing market over the next 15 years. By combining the City's annual $7.25 million general fund investment in housing with federal grants, state, grants and developer fees, the City leverages a wide variety of source to invest in the creation and preservation of affordable housing Citywide.
Following on the successful creation of the Office of Housing Stability last year to assist Boston residents experiencing housing crises, programming will be expanded in FY18 by offering training for both landlords and tenants, developing a tenant orientation guide, and funding families in need of emergency placement.
To support the Mayor's Action Plan to end chronic and veteran homelessness, Boston's Way Home, the the City will provide additional support services for veterans not eligible for veteran's affairs programs and modify the City's Homebuyer Financial Assistance Program to provide down payment assistance to veterans.

As a response to federal funding cuts, the City will provide additional resources to BPHC to ensure that the city's homeless shelters continue to operate 24/7. Moreover, in recognition of the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development's "Housing First" approach to ending chronic homelessness, the FY18 budget will support rapid rehousing programs that focus on helping households obtain permanent housing as quickly as possible.
  • The City will launch five Neighborhood Slow Streets projects in FY18 thanks to a $1 million increase in the Vision Zero capital program, add 7.75 additional miles of separated bike lanes through 11 projects underway in the capital plan, increase Boston's bike racks by almost 10% and improve Vision Zero outreach and implementation capacity.
  • Building on the success of recruiting a diverse class of 42 officers in 2016, representing 74 percent cadets of color and 36 percent female cadets, Mayor Walsh's FY18 budget adds another class of 20, for a total of about 60 cadets.
  • The FY18 budget will include $500,000 for a pilot program to provide industrial level cleaning for firehouses to improve health outcomes for firefighters.
  • Invests in a rotation of small renovations to neighborhood ball fields to keep them safe and playable.
  • The FY18 budget proposal offers support for local artists through grant making and residencies.
  • Library services will be restored to Chinatown after 54 years, providing easy access to a community gathering space, a place for teens and children to study and learn, and a location to access critical 21st century services, including internet and computers.
  • The Police Department will pilot a Youth Development Grant Program, which will complement the City's Summer Jobs program, the Shannon Grant Program and the Safe and Successful Youth Initiative.
For more information about the budget, visit Boston's budget website: budget.boston.gov, the City's new budget website that unlocks 860 pages of budget information in a new user-friendly platform. For more information about the budget process, please watch this video.