
星期六, 10月 10, 2015

網協YES第十屆創新猷 首辦全日工作坊

            日前,網協的青少年創業服務(YES)在華森市(Waltham)的“持續接觸創新實驗室(Constant Contact Innovation Lab)”,特地舉辦了一整天的工作坊,給青少年機會,只用一天時間,就略窺創業全貌,進而決定是否承諾大半年時間來深入學習,體驗創業各步驟。
當天共有34名初高中學生參加。他們聽完Lean Gap執行長Eddy Zhong128華人科技企業家協會會長段可律師張煊業,通用動力(General Dynamics)工程師陳立中講, Starting line創始人兼執行長Tina WeberAdelphic公司創辦人Charles Wang,創意星解決方案共同創辦人蕭丹等人的你的商業計劃書中的開支及收入結構”,市場行銷等講座後,分成八組,在不到兩小時內,設計出一套企業計劃,並在四名裁判面前陳述。        黃少丹表示,參加活動的每名青少年都是贏家。YES的組織團隊,以及家長對這些青少年們能夠從幾乎還不知道什麼是市場行銷,很快的就能整理出一套計畫,在專家面前侃談,實在叫人驚喜。
            第十屆的青少年創業服務,預定10 10日開課。田田負責的創業工作坊,將在今(9)晚在“創業時光”,“燎原”協辦下,推出本年度的項目啟動派對。將邀請畢馬威會計師樓合夥人麥永芬,米天創頭創辦人祁培,成都Think Zone主席王超,創意星解決方案共同創辦人蕭丹,kukel主席Tony ZhongAzimuth創投合夥人邵劍等人與出席者分享經驗。





An Autumn's Night Gathering with Nina Liang 10/21

星期五, 10月 09, 2015

波士頓經文處慶祝中華民國建國104年 600餘人出席酒會

駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處於108日晚7時在波士頓公園廣場酒店(Boston Park Plaza Hotel)舉行「慶祝中華民國建國104年國慶酒會」,由賴銘琪處長夫婦主持。紐英崙地區政要、駐波士頓領事團成員、僑界領袖、學人及留學生等共六百餘人出席,會場冠蓋雲集、賀客盈門,酒會儀式莊嚴隆重。





隨後,麻州參議會議長Stanley Rosenberg、新罕布夏州眾議會民主黨副黨鞭Linda Di Silvestro、羅德島州州長Gina Raimondo辦公室代表Gabe Amo、羅德島州商務廳長Stefan Pryor、麻州Fitchburg市市長Lisa Wong及中華公所主席阮鴻燦等政要及僑領分別致詞慶賀我建國104年。酒會在全體與會貴賓舉杯共祝「中華民國國運昌隆、中美兩國友誼長存」及切蛋糕儀式中進入高潮。

為呈現臺灣精神與對傳統文化的重視,以及本轄政要對中華民國及駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處的支持,酒會現場除設置大型螢幕播放「友善國際 和平傳愛」、「食在臺灣」、「福爾摩莎 夥伴在臺灣」及「Time for Taiwan」宣傳短片外,並播放馬總統本年7月過境波士頓活動剪輯幻燈片,展示廳並有由臺灣省舞獅技藝會3位民俗藝師表演的捏麵人、客家拼布飾品製作、桐花紙傘彩繪與書法揮毫等傳統技藝;另並展出聯邦與地方政要賀詞及友我決議文以及「臺灣畫境」照片等。


BOSTON - Friday, October 9, 2015 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today joined Mayor Ulisses Correia e Silva of Praia, Cabo Verde to sign a Sister Cities agreement to foster economic, social and cultural development and business ties between the two cities, expand commercial activities, boost the number ofsmall and mid-sized enterprises, increase imports and exports and grow jobs.

"In order to be competitive in an increasingly global economy, we must strengthen our partnerships with cities around the world that share our goals," said Mayor Walsh. "Boston has a strong Cape Verdean community, and our partnership with Praia is a fitting testament to our city's diversity."

"Today we sign a Sister-City agreement to build on and strengthen the existing economic, cultural and educational relationships between the cities of Boston and Praia, while committing to explore new ties and creative ways of improving the quality of life for residents on both sides of the Atlantic," said Mayor Ulisses Correia e Silva.

The Sister City agreement commits both cities to identifying activities that can generate new initiatives to further nurture economic, social, cultural and faith based relationships, as well as:
  • Promote both cities to their respective business and academia sectors as locations for trade and investment;
  • Facilitate trade missions and business-to-business dialogue between the two cities;
  • Explore and encourage cooperation and exchange between local development agencies, Chambers of Commerce and tourism bodies;
  • Help facilitate faith-based exchanges between faith leaders in both cities;
  • Promote mutual leisure and business tourism opportunities;
  • Encourage cultural exchanges; and
  • Explore joint policy development and sharing of best practice in the fields of urban development, regeneration and city financial models.
Boston's Cape Verdean population is estimated at over 40,000 residents. 

The City of Boston and the City of Praia have historically maintained strong academic, cultural and social ties, covering a wide array of sectors including public safety, education, arts and culture, business trade, commerce and tourism, and health. The Sister City Agreement will reinforce and strengthen that partnership over the next several years.

The signing took place in Mayor Walsh's Office at City Hall. This is the second Sister City agreement signed by the City of Boston since 2001.

Praia Mayor Ulisses Correia e Silva is visiting Boston on October 9 - 10.

Boston's Sister City programs operate as non-profit, independent organizations, and are heavily dependent on voluntary support and contributions. During the 1950s, residents and government officials recognized the importance of developing closer international relations, and the search for a Sister City began. The success of this program prompted the development of other goodwill sister relations. To the present date, eight Sister Cityfriendships have been formed: Kyoto, Japan (established in 1959); Strasbourg, France (established in 1960); Barcelona, Spain (established in 1980); Hangzhou, China (established in 1982); Padua, Italy (established in 1983); Mebourne, Australia (established in 1985); Taipei, Taiwan (established in 1996); Sekondi-Takoradi, Ghana (established in 2001).

The Sister Cities Program began as a national concept in 1956, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower called for massive exchanges between Americans and people of other countries to create international understanding and goodwill. A Sister City agreement is formalized when two communities from different nations join together to develop a friendly and meaningful relationship. The two cities exchange people, ideas, culture, education, and technology. Citizens from both communities learn about each other's culture and become directly involved in developing unique solutions to common problems. The Sister Cities Program promotes world peace in an individual level and encourages citizens to better understand community, by contrasting their way of life with another culture.



October 1, 2015
    Date: Saturday, October 10th, 2015
    Time: 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
    Location: MIT Tang Center, 2 Amherst Street, Cambridge, MA 02142
    The annual CABA Investment Symposium is an influential event attracting prominent entrepreneurs, investors, biotech and pharma executives, academic and industry scientists, as well as professionals from the legal, finance, and healthcare fields. Past symposiums were extremely well attended. We expect the number of attendees for this year's event to be around 300.

    Confirmed speakers:
    David-Alexandre "DA" Gros, Chief Business Officer, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals
    Milena Adamian, Founder and Managing Partner, Azimuth Ventures (and LSAN)
    Xiaojun Liu, Founder and CEO, Northlake International LLC
    Norman Eng, Economic Development Specialist/Public Information Officer, US Small Business Administration
    Lixin Xu, Vice President, R&D, Improve Medical Managing Director, ImproveX Chairman, GIMDx, Inc.
    Ellen Zhang, Founder, Partner, CEO, GuanHao Life & Health Incubator Co., Ltd.
    Chen Chen, PhD, Associate, Cooley LLP
    Phil Zhang, PhD, JD, Co-Founder and Co-Managing Principal, Milstein Zhang & Wu LLC

    Confirmed Start-up teams for Biocontest:
    Perfetch: Track and visualize changes to body size to encourage healthy life style
    CamMED: Develop bandage-like patch pump for subcutaneous delivery of one or more medications
    Platelet Light: Develop a light system for platelet regeneration
    and more to join.

    CABA members: FREE; Non-members: $30. On-site membership registration to CABA is available. ($30 annual membership fee due for professional, and $15 for student)
    *MIT students are free to attend.
    (Please do the online registration to reserve your lunch ticket. We need a head-counts to order the lunch! Thanks.)
    Lunch and coffee will be provided.

    Question? Please contact conference chair Mr. Jian Shao (MBA): shaojiancn@gmail.com

    Online Registration Instruction
    Please fill out the following form to register for the symposium. If you are currently a member, please use the same email address as used for your membership registration. If you use a different email address and the system can not recognize it, please come to the event front desk for help or send an email to member@cabaweb.org. If you are not a member, you can elect to become a member or Not at this time. You can always change your membership status at the event front desk. Please send an email to event@cabaweb.org if you have any question. Please use a phone number with format xxx-xxx-xxxx. Thanks.


    美國青年領袖基金會(American Youth Leadership Foundation)波士頓分會和新生命基金會(A Life A Time ) ,波士頓北京群合作,將於1025日(週日)下午1點半至5點,在牛頓中文學校舉辦書畫義賣,濟助中國貧困殘疾兒童到波士頓就醫。

    書畫義賣地點在牛頓中文學校餐廳,FA Day Middle School 21 Minot Place Newtonville, MA 02460。

    昆市不分區市議員競選 梁秀婷一點紅

                首次由亞裔社團主辦的這場昆市候選人論壇,不分區市議員部分有五名候選人,包括昆市現任市議員方安(Joseph Finn)、麥法蘭(Michael Mcfarland),昆士學校委員會委員狄邦納(Noel DiBona)、麥卡西(David McCarthy),以及政壇新人,JP富士集團高層梁秀婷(Nina Liang)。
    在發言中,方安(Joseph Finn)表示自己做市議員14年,一直為爭取所有市民享有平等待遇、公平的工作機會而努力。
    麥法蘭(Michael Mcfarland)已擔任市議員10年。他承諾會致力幫助商業團體、振興經濟,減輕納稅人負擔。
    狄邦納(Noel DiBona)表示自己從小在昆士長大,父親是義大利人、媽媽是泰國人。這樣的出生背景讓他更解多元化、多樣性對昆市這城市有多重要。
    梁秀婷(Nina Liang)表示,在參與經營家族企業時,她了解到政府與企業,民眾之間的關係有多密切。由於她本人在昆士市出生,長大,過去幾年來又代表家族企業管理包括座落於昆士市內的幾家餐館,與昆市的感情更加濃厚,期盼藉著參選,回饋社區,承擔起市民與政府堅強量的功能,為市民創造更多就業機會,改善所有人的生活。
    亞協服務中心行政主任約翰波達(John Brothers)表示,地方政治對一般人的影響,其實遠比州及聯邦政府重要,人們其實也應該更重視地方選舉。這次的候選人論壇是針對昆市亞裔舉民舉辦,希望藉此為亞裔居民提供更實在的參與地方政治感覺。


                不分區市議員候選人,左起狄邦納(Noel DiBona)、方安(Joseph Finn)、梁秀婷(Nina Liang)、麥卡西(David MaCarthy)、麥法蘭(Michael MaFarland)。(劉羽晨攝)