
星期四, 6月 04, 2015


Candle Light Vigil
26th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre
4 June 2015 (Thursday)
In commemoration of the June 4 Democracy Movement, a candle light vigil will be held on 4 June 2015 (Thursday) in the Starr Auditorium, Harvard Kennedy School of Government.  The auditorium is located at the Belfer Building, Room B-200, 79 John F. Kennedy Street, Cambridge.  It is a short walk south of the Harvard Square, at the intersection with Eliot Street.
The memorial will formally start at 7:30 pm. An audio-visual prelude will start at 7:00 pm. All are welcome free of charge.

Teng Biao, human rights activist and lawyer in China, will be our speaker.  Dr Teng has given legal counsel to many critics of the Chinese government, including Chen Guangcheng.  He has been crusading for issues including mistreat of migrants, land grabs, forced sterilization and abortion, and religious freedom.  He is among the courageous Chinese lawyers stepping forward to use the law to seek political change.  Dr Teng is currently a visiting fellow at Harvard Law School.

After the memorial at Harvard, we will be at the Boston Chinatown Tiananmen Monument at 9:30pm to offer flowers.  For inquiries, please contact the organizer of the vigil, Association of Overseas Hong Kong Chinese for Democracy and Human Rights, at +1(617)966-2575 or Che8888@aol.com. Mr. Chungchi Che.

2015  6  4 日(星期四)
為悼念二十六年前犧牲生命、以及向八九民主運動期間失去家園的鬥士與難屬致敬,海外香港華人民主人權促進會將於 2015年 月 日(星期四),晚上七時半,假哈佛大學肯尼迪政府學院Belfer大樓Starr禮堂舉行燭光晚會 。 Belfer大樓位於Harvard Square 附近,與Eliot街交界 (Harvard University, Belfer Building, Room B-200, 79 John F. Kennedy Street, MA 02138)影音回顧於晚上七時開始。
哈佛悼念會後,9:30 PM,我們將同往波士頓唐人街,在天安門紀念碑獻花。

講者滕彪博士, 是著名人權律師,曾異議人士辯護,參予多項維權訴訟,包括城市流浪權益、土地回收、強迫計劃生育、廢除死刑、及宗教自由。滕彪提倡以法律途徑進行政治改革,自身亦備受中共政府多次打壓及禁錮。滕彪現為哈佛大學法律學院訪問學人。
歡迎各界人士參加。查詢請電 +1(617)966-2575 或 Che8888@aol.com 謝中之先生。
