星期五, 1月 09, 2015

全食超市已聘28名亞裔員工 羅氏兄弟仍在招聘中

他們表示,華埠社區過去以來的發展項目已為地方創造了2000個建築工作機會,另有幾百個正在陸續浮現。零售,服務業方面的工作機會,現有預定於一月九日開張的全食超市(Whole Food),預定二月開張了羅氏兄弟(Roche Brother),以及預定於九月落成的廟街(Temple Place59號酒店,將為華埠社區提供工作機會。
其中的全食超市是一家在美國,英國,加拿大,共有400家分店,主要出售自然和有機食物的連鎖超市。一月九日將在南端(South End)的墨水塊(Ink Block),也是波士頓前鋒報舊址所在地開張的新店,將是該連鎖超市在波士頓地區的最大分店。
劉衛恒提醒華埠民眾,即將於二月開張的羅氏兄弟超市,仍在招聘員工,有意求職者,可到夏日街100 號面試。華人前進會為協助民眾獲取超市工作機會,將與波士頓華埠社區中心(BCNC)合作,從二月廿三日起開辦為期三個月的職業英語班。
塔芙茨醫療中心執行長華格納(Michael Wagner)當晚特地出席會議,送上年曆與中文版的亞裔醫療指南,向華埠居民拜年,並即席回答問題。






BOSTON, MA –Chinatown/South End organizations and Whole Foods released hiring results as the new Whole Foods store in the South End opened at the Ink Block development.

The Chinatown/South End Collaborative launched an effort last year to increase local and minority hiring at new retail stores in the neighborhood. Led by the Chinese Progressive Association, the effort included the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, Castle Square Tenants Organization, Inquilinos Boricuas en Acción, Massachusetts Worker Education Roundtable and BEST Corp.  The group worked with City Councilor Ayanna Pressley and the City's Office of Economic Development to advocate for local hiring goals, ongoing monitoring and reporting, an early notification/First Source agreement, and a multilingual application and interview process.  

The store opens with over 200 employees, of which about half are existing employees transferred from other stores. In total, 108 people new hires were made with 64% living in the City of Boston with 19% living in the Chinatown and South End area.  The new hires are also particularly diverse with 75% of them being people of color. Asian Americans are 18% of storewide employees and 26% of new hires.

“What made this a bigger success story than in the past was the First Source agreement with clear monitoring and reporting points, combined with support to help people prepare and go through the application and interview process,” says Lydia Lowe, Executive Director of the Chinese Progressive Association.  “And, of course, there has to be commitment from the top. This partnership with Whole Foods is an example of how an employer coming into the neighborhood can partner with community groups to open up job access for people in the community.” 

Collaboration will continue beyond the opening of the store.  Whole Foods, along with Roche Bros., another supermarket planning to open in February at Downtown Crossing, will partner with community organizations Chinese Progressive Association and Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center to provide a vocational English class and customer service training to Boston residents.  The 14-week class will start at the end of February.  People can apply at the Chinese Progressive Association.

The City of Boston played an important role in having the partnership come together and speaks to the potential city government can play in opening economic opportunities for its residents.  The City of Boston, through the Neighborhood Jobs Trust, is funding the training.  City Councilor Ayanna Pressley facilitated the meeting that formalized the partnership, and the group also received support from the Office of Economic Development. 

The new Whole Foods at the Ink Block development opened Friday, January 9 at 10AM.  Starting wages for workers will be $11/hour.
