
星期四, 7月 03, 2014

波士頓取消國慶遊行 改在芬紐廳辦慶祝活動

波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh昨(三)日宣佈,波士頓原先安排的美國獨立日慶祝系列活動,因預報天氣不佳,升旗遊行取消,所有其他活動改在芬紐廳(Faneuil Hall)內舉行。
更改後的新活動時間為,芬紐廳大門將從早上九點打開,市長馬丁華殊致詞,波市退伍軍人服務局局長Francisco Urena宣誓效忠,指揮官Gerard C. mcCarthy宣讀獨立宣言,接著簡短介紹葬在糧倉墓地的彼得芬紐(Peter Faneuil),山姆亞當斯(Samuel Adams),約翰漢考克(John Hancock),以及羅勃潘恩(Robert Treat Paine)等美國先賢。接著有軍樂隊表演。
Changes to City of Boston Independence Day Celebration Program
Due to pending weather conditions, historic July 4th programming will be moved to Faneuil Hall 

BOSTON – Today Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced that the traditional City of Boston programming planned for Independence Day has been revised and condensed. These changes follow the severe weather forecast for the Boston area tomorrow, Friday, July 4, 2014.

The flag raising and Independence Day Parade are cancelled, and all other planned Independence Day programming will be held at Faneuil Hall.

The revised Faneuil Hall program will begin at 10:00 a.m. (doors open at 9:00 a.m.), and will include: 
  • An oration by Mayor Walsh
  • The Pledge of Allegiance by Francisco Urena, Commissioner of Veteran’s Services, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.)
  • The Declaration of Independence by Captain Commanding Gerard C. McCarthy
  • An abbreviated version of the Granary Burial Ground Remarks (previously scheduled during the Independence Day Parade) about Peter Faneuil, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, and Robert Treat Paine
  • Musical performances by Dana Whiteside and Zarba Military Band

The Independence Day oration has been held at Faneuil Hall since 1783.
