
星期二, 9月 06, 2016

台灣行政院5日公佈新南向政策 編列42億台幣

政院:整合所有資源 全力推動新南向





有關整體計畫經費問題,國發會副主委高仙桂表示,106年度行政院各相關部會編列經費約新臺幣42億元,另將整合地方政府、民間團體、非政府組織(Non-Governmental Organization, NGO)、海外僑民和臺商組織等的資源與力量,全力推動。







日期:105-09-05    資料來源:新聞傳播處


一、 經貿合作


1. 產業價值鏈整合:針對當地產業能量與需求,強化具競爭優勢產業與各國供應鏈之結合,如由五大創新產業切入,輔導電子收費-ETC、智慧醫療、智慧校園等物聯網系統輸出;成立臺灣窗口(Taiwan Desk),連結在地資源,協助臺商在地群聚布局,成立新南向經貿拓展單一窗口,扮演「尋找、開創、整合、促成」雙邊貿易機會之平臺。

2. 內需市場連結:善用跨境電商搭配實體通路,拓銷優質平價消費商品,推動教育、健康、醫療、餐飲等新興服務產業輸出,並型塑臺灣產業品牌形象。

3. 基建工程合作:成立基礎建設及整廠輸出之海外輸出協作平臺,籌組電廠、石化、環保等基礎建設輸出旗艦團隊,尋求與第三國廠商策略聯盟。

二、 人才交流


1. 教育深耕:擴編臺灣獎學金,吸引東協及南亞學生;配合國內產業需求,建立「產學合作專班」、「外國青年技術訓練班」,並提供學成後媒合就業;鼓勵大學校院赴海外開設分校或專班,或開辦先修銜接教育課程;推動國中小新住民語文教學,鼓勵大學校院強化東南亞語言及區域貿易人才培育。

2. 產業人力:針對來臺從事專門性或技術性工作的外籍移工,研議建立評點制度,符合條件者可延長居留年限,並鼓勵參與技職培訓與報考證照;強化雙向專業人力交流,確保赴外工作人員回臺社福保障之銜接,並簡化來臺申辦程序,強化人才供需媒合,協助國內企業尋才。

3. 新住民力量發揮:協助第一代新住民利用其語言及文化之優勢,取得相關證照與就業(如母語教學、觀光等);鼓勵大專院校開設南向專業科系或學程,給予具南向語言優勢的學生加分錄取機會,培育第二代新住民為南向種籽。

三、 資源共享


1. 醫療:促進與東協、南亞及紐澳國家醫藥雙邊認證、新藥及醫材開發合作;協助東協及南亞國家培育醫療衛生人才。

2. 文化:藉由影視、廣播、線上遊戲,行銷臺灣文化品牌;鼓勵地方政府與東協、南亞及紐澳國家,進行城市交流與合作。

3. 觀光:放寬東協及南亞國家來臺觀光簽證;多元宣傳觀光,提高導遊質量,建立穆斯林旅遊之友善環境。

4. 科技:建置科技交流平臺,強化科學園區及法人跨國鏈結,推動智慧災防等技術交流。

5. 農業:成立「台灣國際農業開發(股)公司」,以國家品牌擴展海外市場;提供農技協助,推廣生物性資材及農機具,提升夥伴國經營能力。

四、 區域鏈結


1. 區域整合:積極和東協主要貿易夥伴與印度洽簽ECA或個別經濟合作項目;更新及強化已簽訂的雙邊投資及租稅協定,並建立重大事件預警及應變機制,有效掌握可能風險。

2. 協商對話:推動與東協、南亞及紐澳進行多層次、全方位的協定與對話,並於適當時機和對岸就相關議題及合作事項,展開對話及協商。

3. 策略聯盟:調整援外資源配置,完善援外推動機制,擴大業者參與當地國經建計畫;與第三國(如日本、新加坡)協力進軍東協、南亞及紐澳市場,並強化與民間企業及NGO團體合作。


‘New Southbound Policy’ promotion plan launched
Date: 2016-09-05    Source: Office of Information Services, Executive Yuan
The Executive Yuan today unveiled a plan to promote the New Southbound Policy that aims to strengthen Taiwan’s trade and economic ties with members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), South Asian countries, as well as New Zealand and Australia.

Centered on the values of “settling in for the long haul, seeking comprehensive development, and creating mutual benefits,” the plan is based on policy guidelines approved by President Tsai Ing-wen August 16 during a meeting on international economic and trade strategy.

Under the plan, the government will integrate the resources and strengths of the public and private sectors to forge a new mutually beneficial model of cooperation and a sense of economic community with those countries. The plan consists of four main components:

1. Promote economic collaboration:
Rather than regarding ASEAN and South Asia as contract manufacturing bases for exports, Taiwan will forge new partnerships by integrating with those countries’ supply chains, connecting with their domestic demand markets, and cooperating on infrastructure projects.

a. Supply chains:
Based on the capacities and demands of industries in those countries, Taiwan’s competitive industries should integrate with their supply chains. For instance, starting with the five major innovative industries (biomedicine, an Asian Silicon Valley, intelligent machinery, green energy technology and national defense), Taiwan can export or help set up internet-of-things systems for electronic toll collection, smart health care and intelligent school campuses. The government will also set up a Taiwan Desk using local resources to help overseas Taiwanese enterprises form business clusters. A single window for southbound economy and trade expansion will serve as the platform for seeking, creating, integrating and promoting bilateral trade opportunities.

b. Domestic demand markets:
Use cross-border electronic and physical distribution channels to sell quality and affordable products. Export new service industries including education, health, medical care and dining. Shape Taiwan’s industrial brand image.

c. Infrastructure projects:
Create a collaborative platform for exporting infrastructure construction services and turnkey projects. Form export teams on energy, petrochemical and environmental infrastructure. Build strategic alliances with third-country service providers.

2. Conduct talent exchange:
With a focus on people, deepen bilateral exchange and cultivation of young scholars, students and industry professionals. Share and complement human resources with partner countries.

a. Education ties:
Expand scholarships to draw more students from ASEAN and South Asia. Depending on domestic industry needs, create courses on academia-industry cooperation and foreign youth technical training, and provide job matching services after their graduation. Encourage universities and colleges to set up campuses or courses abroad or offer preparatory programs. Offer elementary and junior high school language courses for new immigrants, and encourage universities and colleges to cultivate more Southeast Asian language experts and regional trade professionals.

b. Industry talent:
Assess and establish a points-based system allowing residency extensions for eligible foreign professional or technical workers in Taiwan, and encourage them to obtain job skills training and professional certification. Promote exchanges of professional talent by protecting social welfare benefits for workers returning to Taiwan, streamline procedures for foreign workers coming to Taiwan, match workers to employers, and help domestic businesses find talent.

c. New immigrants:
Help first-generation immigrants use their linguistic and cultural advantages to obtain work certification and job opportunities (such as language teaching and tourism-related work). Help second-generation immigrants connect with their ancestral countries by encouraging universities to establish appropriate departments or curriculums, and give admission priority to students speaking Southeast Asian languages.

3. Share resources:
Capitalize on Taiwan’s soft powers to promote bilateral and multilateral cooperation in culture, tourism, medical care, technology, agriculture, and small and medium-sized enterprises. Improve quality of life in partner countries and expand Taiwan’s economic footprint.

a. Health care:
Cooperate with ASEAN, South Asia, New Zealand and Australia on bilateral pharmaceutical certifications and new drug and medical equipment development. Help ASEAN and South Asia cultivate medical care and public health workers.

b. Culture:
Use film, broadcasting and online games to market Taiwan’s cultural brand. Encourage Taiwan’s local governments to engage in exchanges and cooperation with cities in ASEAN, South Asia, New Zealand and Australia.

c. Tourism:
Ease visa requirements for ASEAN and South Asian tourists to Taiwan. Promote Taiwan tourism through different channels, raise the quality and quantity of tour guides, create a Muslim-friendly travel environment.

d. Technology:
Build technology exchange platforms, strengthen international connections at Taiwan’s science parks and research institutes, promote exchanges in smart disaster prevention technologies.

e. Agriculture:
Establish a “Taiwan international agricultural development company” to promote Taiwan’s brand to overseas markets. Provide agricultural technology assistance, expand use of biomaterials and agricultural machinery, improve the business capabilities of partner countries.

4. Forge regional links:
Systematize bilateral and multilateral cooperation with partner countries, strengthen negotiations and dialogue. Change previous patterns of individual effort and draw on the collective strength of private groups, overseas Taiwanese networks and third countries. Advance regional safety and prosperity.

a. Regional integration:
Actively pursue economic cooperation agreements or individual economic cooperation provisions with India and major ASEAN trade partners. Update and strengthen current bilateral investment and taxation treaties, improve risk management by creating major event alert and emergency response mechanisms.

b. Negotiations and dialogue:
Promote multilevel and all-encompassing negotiations and dialogue with ASEAN, South Asia, New Zealand and Australia. Open dialogue and negotiations with China at a suitable time on relevant topics and cooperation matters.

c. Strategic alliances:
Reallocate foreign aid resources, build a comprehensive foreign aid mechanism, encourage more businesses to participate in local development projects of other countries. Join third countries (such as Japan and Singapore) in efforts to tap markets in ASEAN, South Asia, New Zealand and Australia. Strengthen cooperation between private corporations and nongovernmental organizations.

d. Overseas Taiwanese networks:
Create an overseas Taiwanese database and exchange platform (including for foreign graduates of Taiwan universities, Taiwanese businesses operating abroad, and overseas ethnic Chinese). Connect with overseas ethnic Chinese and overseas Taiwanese business networks and strengthen their links with Taiwanese corporations.
