
星期一, 5月 09, 2016

哈佛大學台灣同學會學術白話文運動 5/14

[哈佛台灣同學會] ***5/14(六)第一場學術白話文運動***
Science of No Touching: Orgasm with God in Astronomy
第一位講者陳晧寰(Hope Chen)將以深入淺出的方式,讓你在五分鐘之內一覽天文之美。下一次,再和心愛的人一起仰望星空的時候,終於和他/她可以分享你知道的宇宙奧祕了喔!
Time: 5/14 (Saturday) 4-6pm
Venue: Fong Auditorium, Boylston Hall 1F, Harvard University
Fees: Free; open to both members and non-members
Dear all,
We are super excited to present to you the HTSA’s very First 5x5 Presentation Festival this coming Saturday! We are honored to invite several really awesome members of the HTSA to share their cutting-edge research with the audience. Each presentation will last for 5 minutes, followed by a 5-minute Q&A session. There will be free time in the end for all audiences and speakers to mix and mingle. You can't miss this unique opportunity to come support our dearest members, learn new cool stuff, and make new friends!!! And what's the best? It's freEeEeEe!!
What else can you ask for? Please RSVP NOW and come join us!
***We will be presenting one speaker to you per day leading up to the Presentation Festival on Saturday. Stay tuned!***
