
星期五, 3月 18, 2016

昆士第六區市議員補選 4/5初選,5/3大選

因為昆士第六區市議員Brian McNamee逝世,要進行特別選舉以填補這職位,初選將於4​​5​​日 (星期二),大選將於5​​3​​日(星期二)進行,請記得這兩天去投票,投票站於早上7​​時至晚上8時,想知道您的投票站在哪?請瀏覽以下網站,輸入您的地址: http://www.wheredoivotema.com/bal/myelectioninfo.aspx
不認識候選人?請細以下他們的問卷結果. (從亞美社區發展協會(ACDC)和亞協服務中心 (QARI)辦的調表格):
Nathan Knowles
外展工作和提供服務給華人社區是我在塔夫醫療中心工作的主要目標,我剛剛開始在塔夫 醫療中心工作時,部門裡沒有一個職員會另一語言。因此,在招聘新職員時,我會著重 語言方面,使我們為社區提供更好的服務。現在,超過一半的職員不同的語言,包括廣 東話和普通話,我們也有翻譯人員,包括電話和視像翻譯員給人們選擇。成為了第六區市 議員,所有給居民的文件會有中英文,我會和市府合作,將翻譯費用放在區議員的預算財 政目的是要提供電話資訊翻譯員,使市民得到適當的服務,我也會建立中文電子通訊,告 之華人社區所有市府的會議時間。
Kevin Mock
Brian Radell
Alie Shaughnessy
基於居民的語言需要,亞裔、俄羅斯裔和意大利裔等,我要市政府提供資金聘請至少一位 辦公室人員能流利外語。
2. 現時,市府豁免昆士市中心發展興建10間以上的房屋發展商提供:1)最少10%的可負擔 房屋或2)付相同的費用給昆士可負擔房屋信託,去年底,市議員Brian Palmucci提出修訂 ,終止這豁免和確保市中心有可負擔房屋,對這修訂法案,你會投贊成或反對票?為什 麼?
Nathan Knowles
我們的居民有不同的經濟需求,昆士一定要有可負擔房屋,我會重新檢視和投贊成票給市 議員Palmucci的修訂方案。
Kevin Mock
我會投贊成票,我明白市府是要吸引發展商發展昆士市中心和荒廢已久的土地,這是一個 有效的方法;雖然昆士是一個理想的發展地方,我不覺得我們需要用這獎勵去吸引發展商 ,大多數的城市,包括波士頓和劍橋市,需要發展商付費用或提供某數量的可負擔房屋, 混合發展是很重要的,我們不希望鄰里的發展只給高收入的人士,Somerville是一個很好 的例子,它與昆士有很多相似的地方,紅線沿線、出入波士頓市方便、有樂場所和餐館 ,但房屋的發展令工人階級家庭不能負擔得起住在那裡。
Brian Radell
最重要的是為我們的居民繼續尋找可負擔房屋的機會,作為在昆士居住的終身居民,在我 生命裡第一次看到市中心的重要發展,與此同時,我們不需要放棄一些令發展商有更多的 利潤,我們要堅持這要求,我會投市議員Palmucci的修訂案贊成票,這也不會對昆士市中 心持續發展有影響。
Alie Shaughnessy
做出任何承諾之前, 我要諮詢Brian,但是話回來,我相信昆士和很多城市一樣,缺乏 老人屋數量,我支持任何缺少的設施。
3.鑑於昆士城市的較高行人出事率,與最近的漢考克(Hancock)普曼街(Chapman)的 傷亡事故,尤其是深夜光線暗淡的地方,有許多低收入居民和餐館工人放工回家,你準備 怎麼做來確保行人的交通安全?
Nathan Knowles
不到三個月和2015一整年,我們都看到三位行人已經死了,這是必須緊急解決的嚴重問 題。當我們的城市發展和新地方的建設,也要解決在建設地方車流問題,警察要加強執 法。在需要的地方要安裝新的斑馬線,也需在人多交叉口地方加強照明。以上提到的問題 ,警察執法、新的斑馬線和加強照明,都必須要立即處理。
Kevin Mock
公共安全是極為重要的,許多城市已經開始製定安全路線,他們有特定的行人道和加強 公共安全(有監控系統、照明設施、警察巡視),加強能見度,對來往車輛也有警惕作用 ,另一種辦法是對人來人往的繁忙行人道,要減低車輛速度,隨著昆士市持續發展,緩和 交通一直是居民們的熱門話題。我建議要求發展商與市政府一起研究行人安全策略,正如 你所,在昆士不少居民使用主要的公共交通和適量的步行,城市未來的發展,我們必須 把這些通勤者算到其中。
Brian Radell
昆士並沒有非常完善的行人道,這要必須改善的。我們需要繼續投資基礎設施,尋找其他 更安全的方案,我們需要增加額外和提高斑馬線,有新的照明系統(特別是繁忙地方), 增加交通標誌,執行交通法規和教育市民。當事故不可避免的發生,解決方案是有的,但 是我們需要採取措施來防止更多的悲劇
Alie Shaughnessy
4. 在你擔任市議員的任期,請選出下列三項,作為你的工作優先去改善昆士。
  1. 房屋
  2. 教育
  3. 公共安全
  4. 公共交通工具
  5. 公共衛生和醫療保健
  6. 就業和勞動力發展
  7. 小企業發展
  8. 其它: ______________
Nathan Knowles
1. 公共安全­包括了交通和公共交通工具 2. 教育
3. 小企業發展
Kevin Mock:
  1. 房屋(包括住宅開發,如公寓和混合使用的空間)
  2. 小企業發展,我與妻子做了小企業老闆30年了
  3. 就業和勞動力發展。我相信我們可以為我們的城市做更多,特別是建立與私營部門
Brian Radell
1.教育,2. 公共安全,3. 公共交通工具
Alie Shaughnessy
1. 公共安全 2.房屋 3.教育
Due to the death of Ward 6 City Councilor Brian McNamee, Quincy is holding a Special Election for the vacant Ward 6 City Councilor seat. The preliminary election is Tuesday, April 5; the final election is Tuesday, May3. Don’t forget to vote BOTH times! Polls are open 7am to 8pm. To find your voting location, please visit this website and enter your address: http://www.wheredoivotema.com/bal/myelectioninfo.aspx
Don’t know who the candidates are? Read their responses to your questions below (courtesy of candidate questionnaires by Asian Community Development Corporation (ACDC) & Quincy Asian Resources, Inc. (QARI)):
1. As Ward 6 city councilor, what language access measures will you adopt to conduct outreach with your Asian, non­English speaking constituents and ensure they have channels for communicating with you?
Nathan Knowles
Outreach and service to the Chinese community have been a primary goal during my time at Tufts Medical Center. When I started at Tufts none of the staff in my department had language skills. As staff have turned over I have focused on hiring employees with language skills, so that we better reflected the community we serve. Now more than half my staff speak multiple languages, including Cantonese and Mandarin. We have also worked to develop additional interpreter options. This has included phone interpreter and video interpreter options. As your Ward Councilor, all communications sent out to residents will be in both English and Chinese. I would work with the city towards including similar interpreter service options in the Ward Councilor budget. The goal would be to provide options for requesting service calls with an intepreter. Intepreter services allows the Ward Councilor to interact directly with consituents and with little or no delay. Likewise, I would develop an e­newsletter that is also translated in Chinese and offer town hall type meetings specifically directed to the Chinese community.
Kevin Mock
First, I would like to acknowledge and applause the work the City of Quincy has done thus far in printing and maintaining content in various languages. From the City Clerk printing ballots in both Cantonese and English, to the City of Quincy’s website being completely translated to Cantonese, I applaud the Mayor and City for taking a very big step in the right direction and think we can build on this as the demographics of the city continue to change.
I look at this questions as two­fold. First, how can I best communicate with non­English speakers in Ward 6, and second, and more importantly, how can we (as the city) ensure that non­English speakers have an outlet to engage the City Council, especially their own Ward Councilor.
On the first side of this, my campaign has developed an electronic platform through my website that has the capability of begin translated in to Cantonese or other languages and I plan to
leverage this once elected. I intend to continue using hard content outreach, whether it be monthly newsletters or direct mail notifications, so resident are ware of important meetings and events, and I will make sure these documents are printed in multiple languages. I will also continue building a data base of Ward 6 residents interested in staying informed through electronic mediums, so that we can move toward regular email or electronic notifications that can respond in real­time as City or Ward specific issues arise. I intend for this electronic medium to work in both directions and to be translated.
With that said, I recognize that informing the Asian and non­English speaking community of important meetings and issues is only half the story. I agree with your assessment that there needs to be a way for non­English speaking residents to inform their City Councilor of issues and concerns. Absent this, and we lose the ability to understand what a community believes is important. I would like to see the development of a community liaison for Ward 6, a person who can bridge the communication gap, and aid me in conducting outreach in the Asian community. The best ambassadors for a community are the people themselves. I would like to work with Councilor Liang, who is a Ward 6 resident, and the City Council as a whole to develop a Ward Liaisons. This could take many forms, and the details would need to be worked out, but the goal is sound.
I think working from both ends where we create content that is accessible to the Asian and non­English speaking community so they are informed and we create a medium for people to contact their elected representatives about issues is the best strategy.
Brian Radell
It is important that we as a city work to engage all residents of the community. We are blessed to live adjacent to Boston, which has a number of organizations that assist in community outreach to non­English speaking homes. The City of Quincy needs to continue to work with these agencies to improve communication and notifications of the cities resources and laws. The City of Quincy does have an office dedicated to outreach to the Asian community, but we need to do more. If elected, I would work to provide bilingual notifications and a translator at all community meetings. I would engage neighbors and friends that I grew up with in the Ward, to assist in providing information to their families and friends whom are non­English speaking. My goal is to provide a community to all. In my previous campaign for this seat, I had bilingual campaign flyers, and I would like to continue with that outreach.
Alie Shaughnessy
I will ask for funding from the city to provide a official or a office staffed with at least one person whom is Fluent in which ever language my constituents need, Asian, Russian, Italian etc.
2. Currently, Quincy Center District developments are exempt from the citywide requirement that housing projects with 10+ units either 1) make at least 10% of their units affordable or 2) pay equivalent fees into the Quincy affordable housing trust. Last fall, City Councilor Brian Palmucci introduced an amendment to remove this exemption and ensure the production of affordable housing downtown. Would you have voted in favor or against this amendment, and why?
Nathan Knowles
Our residents have diverse economic needs. Affordable housing in the City of Quincy is an absolute must. I would be open to reviewing and voting for Councilor Palmucci's amendment.
Kevin Mock
I would vote in favor of such an amendment. I understand that while the City worked to bring developers back to the Quincy Center business district concessions were necessary to entice development and lifting (or never developing) this requirement may have been an effective tool. However, at this point, Quincy is a desirable place for development, and I no longer think we need this incentive to draw potential development. Most major cities, including Boston and Cambridge, require developers to pay a fee or provide units within the development for affordable housing. Mixed use development is important, we don’t want to find ourselves in a situation where we have developed neighborhoods only accessible to high income individuals. Somerville is a great example, it has many of the same features as Quincy (stops on the Redline, accessibility to Boston, entertainment and restaurants) but they have developed in such a way that working families cannot afford to live there.
Brian Radell
It is imperative that we continue to find opportunities to provide affordable housing to our residents. As a lifelong resident of Quincy, this is the first time in my life that we have seen substantial development in the downtown area and we need to continue that momentum. At the same time, we do not need to be giving away our city to developers to make as much profit as possible. I do believe that they should be adhering the requirement we have for the remainder of the city and would be in favor of Councilor Palmucci’s amendment provided it would not be detrimental to continuing the redevelopment of Quincy Center.
Alie Shaughnessy
I would consult with Brian first before making any commitment, however having said that. i believe that Quincy , like a lot of cities in the commonwealth, are very deficient in their elderly housing inventory. And would be very supportive of any measure that will address that shortage.
3. What will you do to ensure pedestrian safety in light of Quincy’s high pedestrian accident rate and the recent fatal accident at Hancock and Chapman Streets, especially late at night in poorly lit areas when many lower­income residents are coming home from jobs in the domestic or food industries?
Nathan Knowles
We have seen three pedestrian deaths in less than three months. We had three pedestrian deaths in all of 2015. This is a serious problem that must be addressed urgently. As our city grows and new sites are built , traffic flow must be addressed as part of any new development. Police enforcement of speed needs to be increased. Crosswalks should be installed where needed and lighting improved at high volume intersections. Of these areas to be addressed, police enforcement, crosswalk and lighting improvements should be addressed immediately.
Kevin Mock
Public safety is of the utmost importance. Many cities have started to develop “Safe Routes”. They are specific routes for pedestrian traffic that have additional public safety enforcement (surveillance, lighting, policing) and designed with the intention of creating greater visibility and awareness to oncoming motor vehicles. This is one option for high traffic routes throughout the city. Another option would be to look at lowering speed limits on streets that have high frequencies of pedestrian traffic. As development continues throughout the entire City of Quincy, traffic mitigation is always a hot button item for residents. I suggest in addition to traffic studies we may consider requiring developers to do pedestrian safety studies, and/or work with the City no pedestrian safety strategies. As you stated, many residents in Quincy use Public Transportation, which includes a bit of walking, as their sole means of transport. It’s important we keep these folks in mind when we are looking at future development.
Brian Radell
Quincy is not pedestrian friendly and that needs to change. We need to continue to invest in our infrastructure to find additional ways to make it safer. We need to add additional and or raise our crosswalks, providing new lightening (especially in high traffic areas), increase the signage in the city, enforce our traffic laws and educate our population. Solutions are available and while accidents will always inevitably happen, we need to take steps to prevent as many as possible.
Alie Shaughnessy
There is not any one solution for this problem. First and most obvious lets look at the area ’s with the poor lighting and make it brighter, i know this seems like a easy answer , but I’m sure that its very involved , and you would have to have some traffic and lighting engineers study the area and recommend whats best. Second, if people are walking home late at night, and are wearing dark clothes, and are listening to a music head phones , or are covered up in a hood which makes seeing difficult, well what are they thinking! hello? are they grown adults or young children whom must be held by their hand ? at some point can people actually act responsible and perhaps be more aware of their surrounding. Also we could put up some be aware type

posters in their work places or community centers.
4. Please select your top 3 priorities for improvements in the city of Quincy during your tenure as City Councilor from the following list:
  1. Housing (房屋)
  2. Education (教育)
  3. Public Safety (公共安全)
  4. Public Transportation (共交通)
  5. Public Health and Health Care (共衛生和衛生保健)
  6. Jobs and Workforce Development
  7. Small Business Development (企業發展)
  8. Other (其它):______________
Nathan Knowles
  1. Public Safety ­ which I believe encompasses traffic and public transportation as well.
  2. Education
  3. Small Business Development
Kevin Mock:
  1. Housing (including residential development such as condominiums and mixed use spaces).
  2. Small Business Development. I have been a small business owner with my wife for almost 30 years.
  3. Jobs and Workforce Development. I believe we can do more to in area, especially in building partnership with the private sector.
Brian Radell
1. Education 2. Public Safety 3. Communication
Alie Shaughnessy
1. Public Safety 2. Housing 3. education 
