
星期日, 1月 17, 2016


2016 China Education Symposium Annual Conference 哈佛中国教育论坛2016年会


Saturday, April 23, 2016 8:00 AM until Sunday, April 24, 2016 8:00 PM
哈佛中国教育论坛诚邀您参加2016年年会,共同探讨中国教育改革的未来。本次年会主题:二十一世纪,中国教育何去何从? China Education Symposium cordially invites you to our 2016 Annual Conference. The theme of the 2016 China Education Symposium is: China's Education in the 21st Century.
我们的活动精彩多样,包括: Activities include:
专题演讲 Keynote Speakers:

Yongxin Zhu is the deputy secretary general of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, vice chairman of China Association for Promoting Democracy, vice president of Chinese Society of Education (CSE), and initiator of the program "New Education in China". 

Carlos Wizard Martins:巴西的“俞敏洪”,韦泽语言学校的创始人,2012年巴西最畅销书之一《唤醒每个人体内的百万富翁》作者。 Carlos Wizard Martins is a Brazilian entrepreneur and founder of Grupo Multi, a company that offers franchises for English courses. His 2012 book Desperte o milionário que há em você (Awake the Millionaire Inside of You) was a Brazilian bestseller.

杨东平:北京理工大学教育研究院教授、博导,国家教育咨询委员会委员,国家考试指导委员会委员,中国陶行知研究会常务副会长,21世纪教育研究院院长,自然之友理事长。 Dongping Yang is member of the Chinese society of education Academic committee, standing director of Tao's research association, member of National education development research center experts consultation committee, Chairman of Folk environmental groups "friends of the natural", and Dean of 21 century education research institute.

Fernando Reimers:哈佛大学教育学院福特基金会国际教育学讲席教授、国际教育政策项目主任、哈佛肯尼迪政府学院国际发展研究中心和哈佛大学国际事务研究中心教授兼研究员。他是美国科学院教育和行为科学部顾问委员会顾问、美国外交关系委员会成员和教育国际协会成员。 Fernando Reimers is the Ford Foundation Professor of Practice in International Education and Director of Global Education and of International Education Policy at Harvard University. He serves on the boards of several education organizations, including the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education,  Room to Read, Teach for All, the Latin American Scholarship Program of American Universities, the Phalen Leadership Academies, Global Cities and Worldteach. 

板块主题演讲 Panels include:
1. 公民教育 | Panel Discussion – Civic Education Sigal R. Ben-Porath:宾夕法尼亚大学教育学院教授,研究领域为公民教育及教育政策的规范性。著有《Citizenship under Fire: Democratic Education in Times of Conflict》和《 Tough Choices: Structured Paternalism and the Landscape of Choice》。 Sigal R. Ben-Porath is assistant professor at the Graduate School of Education and special assistant to the president at the University of Pennsylvania. Her research focuses on citizenship education, normative aspects of educational and social policy, and social effects of war. Her books include Citizenship under Fire: Democratic Education in Times of Conflict (2006) and Tough Choices: Structured Paternalism and the Landscape of Choice (2010).

檀传宝:北京师范大学教育学部教授、博士生导师,北京师范大学公民与道德教育研究中心主任,新疆维吾尔自治区“天山学者”特聘教授。 Chuanbao Tan is Professor of Faculty of Education and founding director of the Center for Citizenship and Moral Education at Beijing Normal University, China. His research is focused on moral education, citizenship education and teacher ethics. 

2. 农村教育 | Panel Discussion – Rural Education 

史耀疆:REAP联合发起人之一、陕西师范大学教授、教育实践经济研究所所长,在中国通过RCT推动农村教育政策变革的领军人。 Yaojiang Shi is co-founder of the Rural Education Action Project (REAP) at Stanford University, Professor of Economics at Shaanxi Normal University in Xi'an, China, and founding director of the Center for Experimental Economics in Education (CEEE).  杨昌洪:贵阳行知科技职业学校创始人、校长。 Changhong Yang is the founder and president of Guiyang Xingzhi Science and Technology Vocational School, which caters for at-risk youths - students predominantly from impoverished rural areas with behavioural or academic problems. 

3. 音画教育 | Art and Music Education
周黎华:号石川山人,黎画堂主人,祖籍宁波,李可染艺术基金会李小可艺术工作室主任、画家,北京大学中国画导师工作室助教,中国诗书画学会研究员,中国文物学会会员,黄山书画院画家,宁波美术家协会会员 。 受儒家思想的影响,自幼爱好书画,临摹清四王,扬州八怪、石涛等画家作品,先后就读于于宁波工艺美术专科学校,中国社会科学院研究生院“考古与文物鉴定专业”研究生.北京画院“李小可山水高研班”,北京大学艺术学院(中国画专业)硕士研究生,师从李小可先生。作品多次入选国内、国际画展并获奖,深受国际友人、收藏家、美术馆喜爱并收藏。被评为华人艺术界资深美术家,2010年最有创意画家之一,2012年最具有收藏潜力的年青中国画家,2013年被评为全国传统文化成就最高奖,自李可染先生开创"李家山水"以来传承人之一。

龚琛晨:钢琴家,美国MIT脑神经认知科学研究所研究员。她 以自身在音乐和钢琴演奏技术方面的造诣去研究脑神经科学。从音乐和钢琴演奏的角度来看待人脑,并从脑神经认知科学方面去分析研究脑神经与音乐和钢琴演奏 (技能技巧)的关系。作为一位钢琴演奏家、教育家,研究员,ChenChen从根源来看待人与音乐、人与钢琴,其中教育是人和钢琴的中心点的关系,并运用脑神经研究成果来解释学习的问题,解决学习的困难、以期提高学习的质量与速度,并在广泛意义上实现人文与科学相结合的终极目标。她的研究以脑成像为根据卓有成效地使人类对钢琴艺术以及学习能力的全方位提高, 打破学习钢琴的片面定义,提高人类的智力与素质有深远的意义。

4. 中国教育体制改革  |  Education Reform from Within 张启正:甘肃省会宁县前教育局局长(现任靖远县副县长)。 Qizheng Zhang is the former Director of the Education of Bureau in Huining County, Gansu Province, China and currently serves as the deputy executive of Jingyuan county.

William R. Fitzsimmons:哈佛大学本科招生办公室主任及助学金负责人、哈佛暑期学校负责人。

William R. Fitzsimmons is the Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid at Harvard College and Director of the Harvard Summer Institute.

5. 教育科技  |  Technology and Education 
王欣: 馒头商学院创始人,前金山公司副总裁。 Xin Wang is the founder of Mantou Business School and former Vice President of Kingsoft Corp. Ltd. Chris Dede:哈佛大学教育研究生院教育技术、教育创新与教育学系教授。他曾是美国国家科学院教育和心理评估基金会成员、美国教育部技术专家组成员,并始终积极参与相关教育政策制定。研究方向包括新兴教育技术、教育政策、教育创新中的领导力,对美国的高等教育和信息技术有着深刻的体会和独到的理解。

Chris Dede: He is the Timothy E. Wirth Professor in Learning Technologies, Technology, Innovation, and Education Program at Harvard Graduate School of Education. Chris Dede's fundamental interest is developing new types of educational systems to meet the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century. His research spans emerging technologies for learning, infusing technology into large-scale educational improvement initiatives, developing policies that support educational transformation, and providing leadership in educational innovation.  

6. 创客空间工作室 | Workshop: Maker Space  详细信息,请见官网 | For more information: http://chinaeducationsymposium.org

注: Attention:
1. 所有门票包含4月23、24日两顿午餐。VIP门票另含4月23日VIP晚宴,您将有机会与演讲嘉宾共进晚、深入交流。 Tickets include two lunches on April 23 & 24. VIP tickets also include VIP dinner on April 23. You will have the opportunity to enjoy the dinner with our speakers.
2. 论坛将用中英双语进行,现场有同声传译。 The conference will be in both English and Chinese with simultaneous interpretation provided.
3. 会议安排及嘉宾可能发生变动,以现场为准。 Speakers and panels are subject to change.  

6.报名方式:咨询微信 290585441
联系我们 Contact Us: chinaeducationsymposium@gmail.com
*哈佛教育学院的同学请在OSA凭学生证领票* HGSE student may get your free ticket at Office of Student Affairs. Tickets are limited!   

-Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event?
You will need to show your student ID (Can be Chinese or from any countries) if you purchased a student ticket. 
-Is my registration/ticket transferrable?
Yes, you may transfer your tickets to someone else if you are unable to attend the conference.
-Is my registration/ticket refundable? We are unabe to refund the ticket after Feb. 1st, $15 of cancellation fee will be charged if you request a refund before Feb. 1st, 2016
