
星期三, 2月 26, 2014

麻州濫用海洛英致死人數大增 三個半月185人喪生

麻州警察發言人David Procopio表示,根據警方的經驗,這些數目絕對代表戠因海落英過量致死的比率增加了。
185人死亡這數目,是兇殺案小組根據麻州各地方檢察官辦公室從十一月一日以來的數據,統計出來的。David Procopio表示,從十一月一日這天開始計算,是因為該局去年開始採用了新的個案追蹤系統。
伯克夏爾郡(Berkshire)地方檢察官辦公室的兇殺案探員,報告了兩宗疑似吸毒過量死亡案。其他郡報告的數目包括,布里斯托34宗,鱈魚角及島嶼9宗,韓頓(Hampden)12宗,益士石郡22宗,米斗塞郡30宗,諾福克郡(Norfolk15宗,普利矛斯郡﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽詞,拜年。或(Plymouth)20宗,薩福克郡(Suffolk)10宗,屋斯特郡(Worcester)12 宗。

審訊法庭的首席法官週一時表示,麻州的公共健康安全出現危機,需要快速,全面因應。聯邦參議員馬基(Ed Markey)週一也在陶頓(Tauton)市說,從來沒見過海洛英為害到這種情況。

These 185 deaths occurred from Nov. 1 2013 to the present day. These are all fatalities. They do not count non-fatal overdoses.

These were compiled by State Police homicide units (SPDU) attached to each of the state’s district attorney’s offices and reflect the entire state except for the three cities in which MA state police do not lead death investigations – Boston, Springfield, and Worcester. In those three cities, local police handle their own death investigations.

Of the 185 deaths attributed to heroin overdoses in that time period, there are large concentrations in southeastern Mass., the Merrimack Valley, and western Mass. hill town counties. (A high number in Middlesex County, which is expected because that is the largest county geographically).

MA state police instituted a new case management and tracking system for its Department of Investigative Services late last year, hence the start of counting in November.  Because of the new system, number of a similar time period preceding these last four months for comparison purposes is not available . MA state police's experience and accumulated knowledge, however, indicates that these numbers absolutely represent an increased rate of fatal heroin overdoses.
MA star police stated that there could be three contributing factors: 1.) A very potent strain of heroin flooding the streets; 2.) Suppliers cutting heroin with a synthetic substance – perhaps the extremely potent Fentanyl – that increased the drug’s toxicity; and 3.) Frequent poly-drug use (use of heroin simultaneous with other drugs, i.e., Percocet). Those remain possible contributing factors. Add to those one more probable factor, the fact that heroin is more readily available and easier for users to obtain than other opiates or prescription narcotics. 
MA state police is continuing to investigate and analyze the problem in conjunction with local police partners. They firmly believe that it is a problem that cannot be solved solely by arrests, although street enforcement is vital. Treatment and public education components are equally essential. Once we are able to gather more information we will release it to the public.

Below is the fatal heroin overdose breakdown per county, from November 2013 to the present day (please remember that these do not include ODs from the cities of Boston, Springfield and Worcester).

Berkshire SPDU
Bristol SPDU
Cape & Island SPDU
Essex SPDU
Hampden SPDU
Hampshire/Franklin SPDU
Middlesex SPDU
Norfolk SPDU
Plymouth SPDU
Suffolk SPDU
Worcester SPDU
