
星期二, 2月 05, 2013

湯偉麟宣佈參選康州 Stamford 市長

As many of you know, I've spent the last few weeks traveling around Stamford talking to voters - from the A&P grocery store in North Stamford to Elm Street Diner off Cove Road - hearing many things we love about Stamford and also the things we must change to make it a better city.  
Yesterday, we made it official and announced our campaign to run for mayor of Stamford.
Stamford has been going through the motions lately. But I do not believe we can reach our future by neglect. As mayor, my focus will be giving Stamford the long term vision it needs to succeed.With the right leadership and visionStamford can be the finest small city in the country for our families.
Click the image below to watch coverage of our announcement!
 Click for Its Relevant Coverage
The campaign is just getting started. We're going to need your help to win this race and give Stamford and its families the future we deserve.
I want your input and help. Email me at william@williamtong.com and let's get this campaign off the ground!
All the best,
William Tong
