
星期一, 8月 14, 2017

Statement from City Councillor and Mayoral Candidate Tito Jackson on the planned white supremacy rally in Boston

Statement from City Councillor and Mayoral Candidate Tito Jackson on the planned white supremacy rally in Boston

We, the people of Boston, are a city of diverse backgrounds, the birthplace of America’s fight against tyranny, a sanctuary from intolerance. White supremacist domestic terrorists are not welcome here, we have no place for you or your vile ideas. We all see you for what you are: nothing more than un-American thugs who betray the noble ideal of an inclusive America.

We will not allow you to divide us, we will not allow you to try to mask your hateful ideas in respectable clothing, we will not allow you to terrorize any one of us. We stand together as a united Boston, as a united America, against the ugly hate and violence you seek to spread.

I affirm that I will do everything in my power as an elected official, Bostonian, American, and as a human being to resist the spread of hate and violence white supremacy seeks. I commit to fighting their intolerance in all its forms, and I will proudly raise up my voice and my spirit with the hundreds of millions of others in our United States who are as disgusted as I am at the racism, misogyny, anti-semitism, homophobia, xenophobia, and Islamophobia of white supremacists. Let us overturn social, economic, and racial injustice in all its forms, institutional as well as individual, in Boston, as well as in Washington D.C., and throughout America.

Let us use these dark times as an opportunity to spread the light of our shared humanity. Let us, we the people, recommit as one community with one voice to fulfill the dream of a nation that judges us by the content of our character and not the color of our skin, dedicated to the proposition that all people are created equal, and avow that that proposition shall not perish from the earth.

CAPAC Chair Condemns Violence by White Supremacists in Charlottesville

CAPAC Chair Condemns Violence by White Supremacists in Charlottesville

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Following the violence that occurred during a rally by white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend, Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) Chair Rep. Judy Chu (CA-27) released the following statement:

“The protests organized by white supremacists in Charlottesville over the weekend represent a manifestation of hate and bigotry that has unfortunately continued to rise over the past two years in particular; their actions inspired by xenophobic and prejudiced rhetoric and policy. The values of these white supremacists are inherently violent towards communities of color and religious minorities, and such demonstrations attack our core American values of inclusion and equality. Make no mistake – President Trump’s failure to directly denounce this ‘Unite the Right’ rally only further emboldens white supremacists and fuels their prejudice. I unequivocally condemn their message of hate and intolerance that was so blatantly on display this weekend. And to those who felt intimidated, frightened, or unwelcome because of this march, know that you are not alone. Diversity is our strength, and our community of support far outnumbers their community of hate.

“I stand with the counter protestors that risked their safety to speak out against hate, and mourn the death of Heather Heyer and the two state troopers who tragically lost their lives this weekend. I also grieve for those injured by these deliberate acts of domestic terrorism. Hate has no place in America – we cannot become complacent to this rising tide of bigotry. Nor should stoking racial resentment be a tool for attracting political support. We must come together to denounce and defeat hate in all forms.”

Eastern Bank Announces Senior Leadership Changes

Eastern Bank Announces Senior Leadership Changes

Barbara J. Heinemann named new head of Consumer Banking
Steven L. Antonakes promoted to Director of Enterprise Risk Management

BOSTON, Aug. 14, 2017 – Eastern Bank, a full-service commercial bank headquartered in Boston, today announced the appointment of Barbara J. Heinemann as its new head of Consumer Banking with direct responsibility for its Retail and Mortgage business, as well as its Customer Service Center. 
Heinemann, an Executive Vice President at Eastern since 2008, previously served as Senior Director of Enterprise Risk Management. She joined Eastern in 2001 and has overseen a variety of functions, including Technology, Operations, Payments, Corporate Culture, and Security. In her new role, she will report to Eastern Bank President Quincy Miller and continue to serve on Eastern’s Management Committee.
“Given Barbara’s extensive experience at Eastern, along with that in Retail Banking prior to joining us, I know that her insights, perspectives, and proven, effective leadership skills will have a tremendous impact as we further prepare for our exciting future,” said Bob Rivers, Eastern Bank Chairman and CEO.
Prior to joining Eastern, Heinemann spent more than 13 years at Cambridgeport Bank, where she was the Director of Retail Banking, Senior Vice President of Technology & Operations, and managed numerous enterprise-wide projects and initiatives.
Heinemann earned an MBA from the University of Maryland and is also a graduate of America’s Community Bankers National School of Banking at Fairfield University and the Massachusetts Bankers Association School of Financial Studies at Babson College. 
Since 2001, Heinemann has served as a Director at the New England Automated Clearing House (NEACH) and was recently appointed Director of NEACH Payments Group, its for-profit subsidiary.  
In conjunction with Heinemann’s new role, Steven L. Antonakes, Eastern’s Senior Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer, was promoted to Director of Enterprise Risk Management, overseeing BSA/AML, Compliance, Corporate Security, Information Security, and Operational Risk.
Antonakes, who joined Eastern in 2015 after serving as Deputy Director and the Associate Director for Supervision, Enforcement, and Fair Lending at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), will report to Rivers. Prior to joining the CFPB, Antonakes was appointed by successive governors to serve as the Massachusetts Commissioner of Banks from December 2003 to November 2010. 
“Steve’s 25 years of compliance, risk management and financial services experience at the local and national level make him a natural choice for this critically important role as we continue to grow our business across New England,” said Rivers, who added that both appointments are effective September 1, 2017. 
Previously, Antonakes served in various managerial capacities at the Division of Banks and began his regulatory career as an entry-level bank examiner in 1990.  In March 2007, he received NeighborWorks America’s “Government Service Award” for his work in combatting foreclosures.
Antonakes, a graduate of Lynn Public Schools, earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Penn State University, an MBA from Salem State University, and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Law and Public Policy from Northeastern University


             (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導) 紐英崙中華公所813日在夏利臣街、必珠街等華埠內主要街道舉辦「第48屆中秋節聯歡會」,出席民眾成千上萬,川流不息,欣賞12個武術團體舞獅,示範功夫,7個舞蹈,藝術團體唱歌跳舞奏樂器,遊逛書法,手工藝等攤位,又一年接受中國傳統文化薰陶。
              今年要競選連任的波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)特地出席,祝華埠民眾過節愉快,還代表相關單位,頒發美國國家史蹟牌匾給紐英崙中華公所主席陳家驊,誌記中華公所大樓做為全美第一所公立學校舊址,獲准列入美國國家史蹟名冊。

(Ed Flynn,右一),(轉在自臉書)
波士頓市第二區市議員候選人愛德華費連(Ed Flynn,左一)在阮鴻燦介紹
波士頓市第二區市議員候選人Michael Kelly (立者右三)和波市長華埠鄰里
波士頓市第二區市議員候選人Michael Kelly (右二)向右起,甄碧鳳,

星期日, 8月 13, 2017



            (Boston Orange)波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)和紐英崙中華公所主席陳家驊,813日早上在第48屆華埠中秋節聯歡會上宣佈喜訊,中華公所大樓所在的舊昆士小學原址,泰勒街(Tyler) 90號獲准列入美國國家史蹟名冊。
             過去150多年來,華人在波士頓定居,形成社區。舊昆士小學也服務的好幾代移民家庭。紐英崙中華公所主席陳家驊,麻州歷史委員會的Betsy Friedberg,美國公園服務處的Michael Creasey
            推動,承辦此事的阮坤慈(Terry Guen),羅燕玲表示,麻州歷史委員會(The Massachusetts Historical Commission)和紐英崙華人歷史協會( Chinese Historical Society of New England)從美國國家公園服務處的未獲充分代表社區基金(Underrepresented Communities Fund)”那兒得到2萬元補助款,辨識適合列入國家史蹟地名冊的地點,其中建於1848年,具有美國第一所依年紀、級別分班學校這歷史意義的昆士小學舊址,歷史及文化重要性排名,以及建築物原始程度最高。

第五屆波士頓台灣人生科年會 中研院長廖俊智籲找真相

              (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導) 波士頓台灣人生物科技協會 (Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Association, 簡稱BTBA)856兩日在哈佛大學舉辦第五屆年會,探討技術轉移,創新商品化。中研院院長廖俊智提醒出席者做學問要找真相,中研院院士葉公杼鼓勵年輕人探索不同領域。
               廖俊智本人的研究領域是代謝工程和合成生物學,原本在美國加州大學洛杉磯分校當教授,20166月才回台灣接任中央研究院院長一職。在會議中,他以「橘越淮而為枳(Crossing the Borders)」為題,分享他自己的思歷程,提醒年輕學者做學問要找真相,挑重要而不是熱門的問題來做研究,不必汲汲營營的想證明自己是對的。
中研院院士葉公杼分享經驗。(BTBA提供,Yi-Chien Chang攝)
               廖俊智指出,中研院的學者庫約700多人,遍布世界各地,教職員約60人,國際學生300多人,院內安排有全英文研究課程「臺灣國際研究課程 (Taiwan International Graduate Program, TIGP) 」,國際化研究環境,未來將加強國際行銷,與大學院校合作,塑造台灣品牌。中研院為加強生物領域學術、產業連結,還新設了國家生物科技研究園區,預計接納30家新創公司進駐。
BTBA會長郭姿杏(前左二)提問。(BTBA提供,Jing-Sheng Li攝)
               中研院院士葉公杼現為美國加州大學舊金山分校霍華休斯醫學研究中心的合聘教授。她從台灣大學物理系畢業後,赴加州理工學院深造,常聽生物系室友興奮分享,後來又聽到1969年諾貝爾生醫獎得主Max Delbruck的演講,因而轉往生物領域發展,踏上研究鉀離子通道之路。她鼓勵年輕人往不同領域探索,開拓眼界,就會發現世界各地都有機會。
               關於美國學術界的座談,邀有約翰霍普金斯大學醫學院助理教授陳昀博士,哈佛大學醫學院助理教授蕭俐俐博士,Memorial Sloan Kettering癌症中心副教授鄒孟甫博士,印第安納大學助理教授顏瑞宏博士。
               關於美國企業界的座談,有輝瑞(Pfizer)製藥公司波士頓創新療法中心首席科學家蔣先慧博士,AbbVie生物研究中心資深項目經理許翠玲博士,Proteostasis療法資深副總裁李柏勳(Po-Shun Lee)Alnylam副主任曾宓博士,
關於台灣企業界,有行動基因公司(ACT Genomics)研究員暨智慧財產經理陳映嘉,台灣浩鼎(OBI)總經理黃秀美,台灣浩鼎研發處資深處長賴建勳博士,國璽幹細胞副總經理林珀丞博士,震泰生醫創辦人暨執行長李冬陽博士,聯合神經科學(United Neuroscience)公司的醫學長Ajay Verma
基因剪輯有哈佛及麻省理工學院研究生Julia JoungCRISPR療法的資深科學家Michelle Lin,哈佛MIT布洛德(Broad)研究院博士後研究員Jui-Chen Tai,基因轉移載體核心Schepens眼科研究所(Gene Transfer Vector Core Schepens Eye Research Institute)副主任Ru Xiao
”免疫腫瘤”有Torque療法的資深科學家張德寬博士,麻省總醫院(MGH)的系統生物學中心皮蒂實驗室(Pittet Lab Center for Systems Biology)博士候選人Christopher Garris,惠氏生物啟發工程研究所(Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering)博士後學者李瑋薇博士,諾華(Novartis)生物醫學研究院Karrie Wong博士。
在就業方面,座談進入企業的生物科技業就業機會有Incyte臨床研究副主任郭亦炘博士,OriGene科技公司資深科學家林伯睿博士,輝瑞(Pfizer)內部醫藥研究組博士後研究員曾薇洲博士,諾華(Novartis)生物醫學研究院楊錦宇,Bristol-Myers Squibb的資深科學家余駿昌。有14個人應邀分享他們的第一份生物科技公司工作。
"你的職業升遷”上,BTBA找來賽諾菲(Sanofi)臨床診斷公司的臨床物理化學分析主任莊維廉博士,哈佛大學助理教授許雅捷博士,哈佛大學醫學院教授廖容儷博士,聯合健康集團(UnitedHealth Group)營運及市場行銷策略副總裁莫升元博士。
科技轉讓的生命科學創新商業化這組座談,有Leap Oncology創辦人暨董事長Adam Friedman博士,Morphic 療法的結構生物及生物化學蛋白小組負責人林富揚博士,麻州大學醫學院科技管理辦公室負責授權的Satinder S. Rawat博士。