
星期三, 5月 24, 2017


American Students Struggle to Demonstrate Financial Capability on International Stage
DENVER—Results released today by the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) show that one in five (22 percent) U.S. teenage students lack basic financial literacy skills. Among 15 participating countries and economies, the United States ranks 7th in the evaluation of 15-year-olds’ aptitude in understanding essential financial concepts, products and risks.
The average scores among U.S. teens were unchanged from 2012, the first time PISA incorporated the financial literacy assessment. PISA is coordinated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), an assembly of governments from 35 member countries.
“The initial release of PISA findings (2012) revealed American teens were completely average when it comes to demonstrating a strong knowledge of financial skills. That measurement gave us a baseline to see room for growth or decline. It’s concerning with these latest findings to see that we haven’t moved the needle, and we still have significant work to do to provide meaningful access to teaching youth about money,” says Billy Hensley, Ph.D., senior director of education with the National Endowment for Financial Education® (NEFE®).
The latest PISA release finds only about one in 10 students in the U.S. achieved the highest proficiency level as a top performer, defined by the report as students who can look ahead to solve financial problems or make the kinds of financial decisions that will be relevant to them in the future. The average score among U.S. teens was not different than the OECD average.
China ranked number one overall, followed by Belgium and Canada. Chile, Brazil and Peru ranked as the bottom three. Eight countries — including the U.S. — participated in the 2012 and 2015 PISA financial literacy assessment. The Russian Federation and Italy showed measurable gains in average scores, while Poland, the Slovak Republic, Australia and Spain showed measurable declines.
“It’s clear that we need a better national strategy to teach youth. There are random acts of success with states who are doing it well. But as a country, we need to have a clear set of standards for providing well-thought-out financial education that is relevant and establishes positive behaviors,” says Hensley. “Additionally we need to continue to train educators to effectively deliver financial education and ensure that we are meeting the needs of Americans from all socio-economic backgrounds.”
The PISA study reports just 3 percent of U.S. students from lower-income schools were high performers, compared to 45 percent of students from higher-income schools. Among the low performers, 38 percent of students were from lower-income schools, compared to 16 percent from higher-income schools.
“Parents shouldn’t assume kids are being afforded this education in schools. We need to have regular, meaningful interactions to teach our children the fundamentals of money,” adds Hensley. “A great starting place is to get your child involved with a bank or credit union by having an account and learning to manage it during their teenage years.”
Among students who participated in the PISA study, 53 percent report that they have a bank account. An important distinction as students with a bank account scored on average 42 points higher than those students who do not have a bank account.

星期二, 5月 23, 2017

頂大學人講座談臉書現象 討論用景觀預防環境災害

            (Boston Orange) 紐英崙中華專業人員協會與駐波士頓經文處教育組合作,520日在麻省理工學院舉辦第三場「2017年頂大學人講座」。兩名中山大學教授,陸曉筠及王紹蓉依序講談「環境災害來臨-由『景觀』角度淺談城市韌性」,以及「那些臉書教我的事:那些線上的你、線下的你以及你與我的交會」。
陸曉筠的專長是城市景觀。他先問什麼是「景觀」?接著介紹「城市韌性(Resilient City)」概念,指出學者、專家為因應氣候變遷,開始探討如何讓人口稠密的城市更具韌性及永續性。
陸曉筠以波士頓與紐約為例,說明兩市為預防未來極端氣候可能帶來的災害,制定了計畫。包括濱海的波士頓市及臨河的劍橋Cambr市都有研擬防洪等計畫。紐約市經過2012年珊蒂颶風一役,做了「Big U計畫」。
Frederick Law Olmested設計的波士頓「翡翠項錬(Emerald Necklace)」,紐約市的「高線公園 (High Line)」都是用景觀設計讓居民在市中心享受自然綠地,又藉大量自然植物來保存水資源,間接防止汛洪的成功案例。
王紹蓉指出,使用者的選擇性地公開某部分的自我(selective self-disclosure),並與親友分享,討論,究竟使人感到更孤獨或快樂,讓人深思科技與個人,社會之間的關係。



Plan releases 75 action items to improve Boston for older residents
BOSTON - Tuesday, May 23, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and Boston's Elderly Commission today launched the City's first-ever Age-Friendly Boston Action Plan, the City's blueprint to make Boston the best city and place to live for older adults within three years. The 75 action items in the plan were developed through 25 listening sessions, featuring engagement from over 4,000 older residents throughout Boston. Developed in partnership with AARP, the Tufts Health Plan Foundation and UMass Boston, the plan was released today at the Thelma Burns Building in ABCD Roxbury.

"Older Bostonians are the fastest growing segment of Boston's population, and we're focused on making Boston as friendly and inclusive as possible to residents aging in our City," said Mayor Walsh. "This action plan represents Boston's commitment to working with the community, identifying concerns, and providing real, impactful solutions."

In 2014, Mayor Walsh signed onto the World Health Organization's (WHO) network of Age-Friendly Cities, through their United States partner AARP, and launched the Age-Friendly Boston Initiative. The first phase of the initiative focused on gathering input from older adults about the strengths and weaknesses of growing older in Boston, and this new Action Plan is the result the two year community engagement, data analysis and collaboration process.

Under Mayor Walsh's leadership, the Elderly Commission formed a partnership with UMass Boston Gerontology Institute, supported by a grant from the Tufts Health Plan Foundation, to conduct research based on the guidelines set forth by the WHO. Grounded in community feedback, the plan identifies recommendations and action items the City will take to enhance the quality of life for Boston's older adult residents.

The Age-Friendly Boston Action Plan is organized around eight key life domains, or main concerns, and today's release marks the start of the plan's implementation.

Action Item Highlights Include:
  • Housing
    • Boston residents reported wanting to be able to stay in Boston as they age, in the neighborhoods where they have connections and histories.
    • In conjunction with the City's long-term plan, Imagine Boston 2030, the Age Friendly Boston Action Plan  will focus on programs that promote this including increasing access to tax-relief programs, home repair, and other homeowner support programs; education sessions for renters; and better coordination of services to prevent homelessness.
  • Transportation
    • Boston residents want to be able to travel around the city.
    • Age Friendly Boston Action Plan will work in alignment with Boston's Go Boston 2030 and Vision Zero Plan to create Age-Friendly walking spaces near high concentrations of seniors. This means a focus on improved crosswalk timing and markings, good lighting, places to rest, and sidewalks that are easy to navigate.
  • Outdoor Spaces and Buildings
    • Boston's older residents take pride in and reap important health benefits from the city's outdoor spaces.
    • The Age Friendly Boston Action Plan will make sure that the park redesign planning process is inclusive of older adults, resulting in parks that are good for people of all ages, and lend themselves to community gatherings and events.
  • Community Health and Support Services
    • Social Isolation: According to the AARP Foundation, the health risks associated with prolonged isolation are equal to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. The Elderly Commission will partner with other City departments, organizations, and the faith-based community to find and connect with socially-isolated older adults.  
    • Economic Security: The Age Friendly Boston Action Plan places special focus on public benefits enrollment and retention, and other items that address elder economic security.
    • Dementia: To advance Boston's effort to be a Dementia-Friendly community, this plan also places emphasis on items that address residents with dementia. The Elderly Commission will raise awareness of the disease and its warning signs, and work to connect our residents with resources and support.  
  • Employment and Civic Engagement
    • Boston recognizes the wealth of experience, skills and talent that older adults bring to the City.
    • In Age Friendly Boston Action Plan, the Elderly Commission will work to connect older adults to volunteer opportunities and recognize them for their contributions, and identify and address the barriers to employment for people over 50 in our city.
  • Social Participation
    • Boston is a city that is full of opportunities for engagement, though the plan identified gaps in public knowledge about City programs.
    • To address this, the Elderly Commission will map opportunities for engagement, identify any gaps that may exist in our programming, and work with partners to fill these gaps.
  • Respect and Social Inclusion
    • The Age Friendly Boston Action Plan will partner with Boston Main Streets to train local businesses on Age and Dementia-Friendly business practices, ensuring older Bostonians receive the respect and inclusion they need in the City.
  • Communications and Information
    • The Age Friendly Boston Action Plan found Boston residents want to know how they can get involved, how they can access programs and supports, and how they can bring benefit to, as well as benefit from, all the City has to offer.
    • To become the most Age-Friendly city possible, the Elderly Commission will create a comprehensive strategy to communicate with, and educate and inform older Bostonians.
"We are very proud to have been part of a process that will help Boston adapt to an aging population, a dramatic demographic shift that will affect every city in America in the near future," said Jan Mutchler, Director of the Center for Social and Demographic Research on Aging at UMass Boston. "The city's action plan responds to the needs of the community and will help make Boston a leader in the age-friendly movement."

"This action plan honors the voice of community and the rich diversity of Boston's neighborhoods," said Nora Moreno Cargie, president of Tufts Health Plan Foundation and vice president for corporate citizenship at Tufts Health Plan. "Throughout its process, the City of Boston has been an active listener and envisions communities that are relevant to our changing demographics. Boston will be more accessible, healthier, and age-friendly as the City moves toward implementation of the Plan."

Mike Festa, AARP Massachusetts Director, said, "There is a pressing need to create livable communities for people of all ages. In less than 15 years, one out of every five people in the country will be 65 or older, a demographic shift that will be felt in every community. The City of Boston's Age-Friendly Action Plan can provide a model to inspire even more creativity and sharing of best practices to spur innovation in making all communities great places for people of all ages."

The complete Age-Friendly Boston Action Plan and Fact Sheet is available at: www.boston.gov/age-friendly.

About Age-Friendly Cities
The guiding principle of an Age-Friendly society focuses on designing livable communities that promote good health, strong civic participation and clear communication. That means safe, walkable streets; offering better housing and transportation options; improving access to key services and providing opportunities to be socially engaged. It means sustaining economic growth and enabling happier, healthier residents.

沈其樂忠告亞美專協年輕人 業有專精兼及政治

亞美專業人員協會波士頓分會( NAAAP Boston),鄺朝寶(前左一)和獎學金委員會,得獎人,演講嘉賓沈其樂(後左四),麻州亞美局(AAC)主席Elisa Choi (後左三)等人合影。圖片提供:Raj Das edphotos.com 
三名獎學金得主。圖片提供:Raj Das edphotos.com 
(Boston Orange 周菊子劍橋市報導)亞美專業人員協會波士頓分會(NAAAP Boston)520日在劍橋市Marlowe酒店 舉行未來領袖獎學金午餐會(Future Leader Scholarship Awards Luncheon)”,共頒發15.000元獎學金鼓勵3名優秀學子,並請得前任波士頓市計畫長沈其樂(Karios Shen)分享經驗,提點成功之路的踏腳石。
獎學金委員會主席鄭嘉芙(右一)等人。圖片提供:Raj Das edphotos.com 
亞美專協波士頓分會的未來領袖獎學金1987年時,從一批熱心社區人士辦草根籌款開始的,迄今共發出16萬元給80多名麻州高中畢業生。今年的捐贈者包括李錫堯及周碧娟基金( Richard and Chou Lee Foundation),麻州互惠(MassMutual),以及亞美專業人員協會波士頓分會
今年的獎學金午餐會主題為轉變我們的社區NAAAP波士頓分會獎學金委員會主席鄭嘉芙,副主席Anh Tran 表示,該會希望藉由培養下一代的未來亞美領袖,繼續對社區發揮影響力。他們也希望各界支持,發電郵到scholarship@naapboston.org,加入捐款行列。
圖片提供:Raj Das edphotos.com 
三名得獎人依序為塞冷(Salem)高中,即將就讀Lehigh大學,修讀電腦工程的Jason Dinh,碧樹(Braintree)高中,即將入讀麻州大學安赫斯特分校(Amherst)的唐梨梨(Lily Tang),波士頓拉丁學校,即將入讀康乃爾大學電腦科學系的徐麗(Lucy Xu)
在波士頓市政府工作過22年,其中13年擔任計畫長的沈其樂(Karios Shen)當天應邀為午餐會演講。他的再度出現在大眾眼前,讓不少人想起2014年上任的波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)2015年時要求沈其樂辭職,沈其樂只接受開除,一度在媒體上鬧得頗大的舊聞。
圖片提供:Raj Das edphotos.com 
時任波士頓重建局(BRA)局長的Brian Golden,在重建局網站上於2015522日發表的一篇謝謝你,沈其樂的文章,彷如說明沈其樂的去職,主要因為新市長馬丁華殊想推動波士頓市50年來的第一個全市規劃,”’想像波士頓2030”,希望有新想法。Brian Golden說,沈其樂在波士頓市府工作的22年間,曾歷經萬寧諾(Thomas Menino),馬丁華殊兩任市長,7名波士頓重建局局長,推動了芬衛(Fenway),奧斯頓布萊頓(Allston-Brighton),杜爹利廣場(Dudley Square),南波士頓水前區等一系列的波士頓重大土地發展,2015年時,波士頓重建局已批准的新發展計畫總值不下120億元。沈其樂對波士頓市的影響,幾乎隨處可見。
沈其樂勸年輕人要誠實,大方,尊重他人。他以自己被朋友們稱為Karios O’Sheen,冠上了愛爾蘭人姓氏為例指出,你尊重別人,也就容易被別人接納。

星期一, 5月 22, 2017


To Date, Game Change Has Trained More Than 1,000 Students, Teachers, Coaches, and Service Providers; Schools Across Massachusetts Encouraged to Apply

BOSTON – Attorney General Maura Healey and Chairman and CEO of the New England Patriots Robert Kraft today announced that they will be sponsoring a third year of the groundbreaking anti-violence education program they launched in 2015. Beginning this fall, Game Change: The Patriots Anti-Violence Partnership will expand to middle schools and additional high schools across Massachusetts, training students and staff in strategies to prevent sexual assault and domestic violence.

            “We know from the young people we’ve met and the leadership they’ve shown across this state that there’s no better way to break cycles of violence than to educate students about healthy relationships,” said AG Healey. “I’m thrilled to work with the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation to expand to additional high schools and middle schools and empower students to create positive change in their communities.”

“Building a strong team begins with a strong development program, and that’s what we’re doing with Game Change,” said Mr. Kraft. “We need to provide young people with the tools to end sexual assault and domestic violence. The Patriots and the Kraft family are proud to work with the Attorney General to continue supporting this critical program to do just that.”

The goal of Game Change is to implement long-term anti-violence and healthy relationship education in Massachusetts schools, with a focus on developing peer leaders at the high school level who can provide trainings to their middle school counterparts.

Proposals for this new round of Game Change will be open to public high schools, with a preference given to those who submit with a middle school partner. Schools can apply for one of two awards: a training for teachers and coaches, or a training for students. Awardees will also receive a grant to support long-term implementation of the curriculum. 

Awards will fund healthy relationship and violence prevention education from Aug. 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Interested schools and school districts in Massachusetts are encouraged to learn more about the program and to submit a proposal at www.mass.gov/ago/gamechange.Proposals must be received by 4 p.m. on Friday, June 16, 2017.

During the first phase of Game Change, which ran from January through May 2016, nearly 200 staff from 90 high schools and nine domestic violence organizations across the state were trained in the MVP curriculum. For the program’s second phase, which ran throughout the 2016-2017 school year, staff from Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) provided direct trainings on preventing relationship violence to  students at each of the 34 participating high schools across the state.

            To date, Game Change has trained more than 1,000 students, teachers, coaches, and service providers in the MVP curriculum. Student leaders representing nearly 100 communities across Massachusetts are now equipped to intervene when they witness signs of violence and to help other young people do the same.

Run by the Center for the Study of Sport in Society at Northeastern University, the MVP trainings give participants the skills to recognize the dynamics of power and control that can lead to relationship and gender-based violence. Trained students, teachers, and coaches learn how to recognize the signs of an unhealthy relationship and when to intervene, or reach out for help.

For more information about Game Change, please visitwww.mass.gov/ago/gamechange or contact the Policy and Government Division at 617-963-2700.


Celebration of Summer IV will be free and open to all
BOSTON - Monday, May 22, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Office of Tourism, Sports, and Entertainment today announced the Celebration of Summer IV: Donna Summer Roller Disco Party will be held at City Hall Plaza on Friday, June 23. This family-friendly event is free and open to the public and will take place between 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.

Boston-born disco legend Donna Summer was a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, a five-time Grammy winner, and sold over 140 million records worldwide. She was born in Dorchester and was raised in Mission Hill before rising to stardom in the 1970s. She passed away at the age of 62 years old on May 17, 2012. This annual event honors her life and celebrates her music and legacy in Boston.

"The Donna Summer Roller Disco Party kicks off summer at City Hall Plaza, and I'm pleased we're bringing back this celebration for the fourth consecutive year," said Mayor Walsh. "We provide fun, free, family events throughout the year, and this event is one of our most anticipated. I look forward to welcoming residents and visitors to City Hall Plaza next month."

Celebration of Summer IV will feature:
  • A performance by Donna Summer's sister, Mary Gaines Bernard;
  • Music provided by New England's Finest DJ Roy Barboza;
  • An appearance by Donna Summer's nephew O'Mega Red, and
  • Appearances by other members of Donna Summer's family.
"Donna Summer was not only a Bostonian through and through -- her music, spirit, and presence made her a national treasure and global icon," said event organizer Frankie Stavrianopoulos of Urban Legend Events. "It is only fitting that we celebrate her, in our world class city during the season that bares her namesake in a fun uplifting and musical manner."

"I am so happy to be with you this year as we celebrate my sister for the 2017 Donna Summer Disco Party," said Mary Gaines Bernard. "We're going to have so much fun and make many new memories. Remember to save the 'last dance' for me. I'll meet you under the disco ball!"

In addition to music, City Hall Plaza will feature a roller-skating rink. If attendees don't have their own skates, the City of Boston will be providing free rentals on a first-come, first-serve basis. More information about the event can be found on boston.gov.

For more summer events hosted by the City, visit the Mayor's Office of Tourism, Sports, and Entertainment



BOSTON – Highlighting the need for legal services in rural and low-income communities across the country, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey and Colorado Attorney General Cynthia Coffman today led a bipartisan group of 32 attorneys general in urging Congress to oppose the Trump Administration’s proposal to eliminate federal funding for the Legal Services Corporation (LSC).

“Legal services provide an essential safety net for millions of our most vulnerable residents, including veterans applying for benefits and families escaping domestic violence,” said AG Healey. “We have to come together because we cannot turn our backs on families in need of assistance. We have organized this broad, bipartisan group to fight for access to justice for all Americans.”
“Our state attorneys general know that all Americans, rich and poor, should be treated equally under the law,” said Martha Minow, Vice Chair of the Legal Services Corporation and Dean of Harvard Law School. “That’s why, on a bipartisan basis, our chief law enforcement officers overwhelmingly support the Legal Services Corporation. They call for funding legal assistance to low-income and rural Americans, as Congress has done for more than forty years, in order to strengthen the rule of law, fairness, and human dignity. I thank Attorneys General Maura Healey, Cynthia Coffman, George Jepsen, and all 32 state AGs from across the United States who came together to make this strong, bipartisan statement of support for LSC.”
            The letter, sent today to the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Committees, notes that for more than 40 years, under Republican and Democratic administrations, the LSC has helped residents across the nation to access justice.

LSC funding helps veterans and military families secure important benefits, it supports survivors of domestic violence seeking safety, and it assists families facing foreclosure and victims of natural disasters.

LSC funding also fosters longstanding public-private partnerships between legal aid organizations and private firms and attorneys nationwide who donate their time and skills to assist low-income residents in our states.

The letter was signed by the Attorneys General of Massachusetts, Alaska, American Samoa, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Northern Mariana Islands, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, Virginia and Washington.