
星期六, 2月 25, 2017

波士頓僑教中心僑務簡訊 2月第2期


僑 務 簡 訊 中華民國1062月第2

Culture Center of TECO in Boston
90 Lincoln St., Newton Highlands, MA 02461
Tel: 617-965-8801
Fax: 617-965-8815          

   ◎二二八事件70週年紀念禮拜 歡迎波城各界參加

      波士頓臺灣基督教會訂於226(星期天)上午10:30 Andover Newton

      Theological School舉辦二二八紀念禮拜,歡迎波士頓各領域、團體、學界、業界共襄盛舉,為臺灣-這塊我們全心疼惜的土地-誠心祈禱!





   ◎「2017年海外華裔青年英語服務營」開放   線上註冊

2017年海外華裔青年英語服務營」活動,預計招募海外華裔青年前往臺灣偏遠地區學校實地從事英語教學,歡迎就讀11年級以上且於20171130日前年滿17足歲但未滿25足歲之華裔青年報名參加。報名時間自201721日至228日止,申請人須先於營隊專屬網站(http://www.aidsummer.net)完成線上報名後,印出「網路登錄確認單」,連同相關報名表件於31日前寄(送)達波士頓華僑文教服務中心90 Lincoln St., Newton Highlands MA 02461,如有洽詢事項,歡迎電話聯繫陳美樺小姐,TEL:617-965-8801

   2017 「科技台灣探索-候鳥計畫」Taiwan Tech Trek (TTT) 213日起至310日受理報名

由中華民國科技部舉辦的2017 科技台灣探索(候鳥計畫)Taiwan Tech Trek (TTT) 暑期活動自並於213日起至310日受理報名,實習活動期間為201761日至915日,相關訊息請至「科技部全球資訊網」(https://www.most.gov.tw)之相關連結/侯鳥計畫網站(https:wttpap.most.gov.tw/TTT/)參閱。歡迎全球海外臺裔青年踴躍報名參加。



中華函授學校自2017起轉型,不再提供註冊選課服務,為讓各界能夠充份運用豐富的函校課程資源,特自2017110日起至331日止,開放函校課程共計119門全部免註冊,隨選隨讀,歡迎學員踴躍利用。課程免註冊,隨選隨讀 請於『中華函授學校遠距學習網』(http://chcs-opencourse.org/index.php)點選2017年隨選隨讀 (http://chcswm.chcs-opencourse.org/mooc/)即可進行課程免註冊隨選隨讀,並可下載全文網頁教材! 為讓中華函授學校課程能夠有效活化利用,並以與時俱進的方式推動遠距教學,20174月起,相關課程及教材將逐步上傳至全球華文網,讓海內外民眾能以最便利之方式透過網路自主學習。未來不論海外僑民或國內民眾均可運用自主學習,不受時空限制達到進修之目的。






   ()於各式學士班適用簡章中,增列採計「國際文憑預科課程考試 IBDP


   () 106學年度「個人申請」報名及放榜期程提前2週辦理。








      項,請逕洽國際醫療管理工作小組陳怡伶經理(電話:02-2885-1528 ext.12







      及中央部會等。目前 (除臺北市以外之)四縣市及國私立大學之場館整修工程皆委由各縣市政府及國私立大學代辦執行,截至去年(2016)12月底已



   ◎歸化國籍規定放寬囉! By內政部    













為傳承八年抗戰及日據時期之歷史,臺北市感恩協進會特辦理第5屆「發現、感恩、致敬—我身邊的抗戰臺灣日據故事」影像紀實比賽活動,並期望藉由此活動拉近海外僑胞與國內的距離,凝聚海內外同胞的向心力。 活動參賽對象為全球華人,收件日期自即日起至10595日止,並訂於1051023日舉行頒獎典禮,詳細資訊請參閱活動簡章或活動網址 http://www.facebook.com/ouroralstory



華僑救國聯合總會為復興中華文化,促進海外文化事業,特設立「華文著述獎」,獎勵項目包括學術論著、文藝創作及新聞寫作3類最近2年內出版或發表之論著或作品;參加方式係由海外僑團、僑校、僑報、使領館、駐外機構及旨揭總會名譽理事、理事、顧問等推薦具有華僑身分者參加,未受推薦之本人亦可申請參加,惟需提出華僑證明,參加者均須於規定日期內填表,連同作品有關資料及華僑身份證明等,送僑聯文教基金會辦理。該活動申請期限至本年6月底止;詳細辦法請至該總會網站 (http://www.focat.org.tw/)下載運用。


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星期五, 2月 24, 2017

Joslin Diabetes Center Launches The Lawrence and Evelyn Wing Family Lectureship Series

Joslin Diabetes Center Launches The Lawrence and Evelyn Wing Family Lectureship Series
Inaugural lecture by Maria Rosario (Happy) G. Araneta, Ph.D., on type 2 diabetes among Asian Americans

BOSTON (February 22, 2017) – Joslin Diabetes Center has announced the launch of The Lawrence and Evelyn Wing Family Lectureship Series, an endowed fund to provide an annual lectureship in support of Joslin Diabetes Center’s Asian American Diabetes Initiative (AADI) allowing faculty, staff, students and guests to meet and learn from scholars and experts in the field of diabetes.

The lectureship series was established in memory of Lawrence “Larry” and Evelyn Wing, founders of the AADI and key members of the Joslin family for more than 40 years. Larry was a Joslin patient as well as a member of Joslin’s Board of Directors for many years and Evelyn was a fixture at the AADI’s signature fundraising event, “A Taste of Ginger.” Their children hope that the establishment of the series will enable the memory and legacy of their parents to live on and continue to help the AADI grow and flourish.

The series’ inaugural lecture, The “Skinny” on Type 2 Diabetes among Asian-Americans: Revised screening guidelines and the UCSD Filipino Health Study, will be presented on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 by Maria Rosario (Happy) G. Araneta, Ph.D., Professor of Epidemiology in the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of California San Diego, Division of Epidemiology.

Dr. Araneta co-authored the American Diabetes Association (ADA) position statement, along with Dr. William Hsu, Medical Director of the Asian Clinic at Joslin Diabetes Center, to revise diabetes screening guidelines among Asian Americans and was appointed to the NIH Advisory Council for the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities. She also serves as principal investigator of the UCSD Filipino Health Study, the oldest and largest clinical study of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis among Filipino men and women.

“The Wing family has supported Joslin's initiatives to improve diabetes care in the Asian-American community for more than 40 years which is especially important as diabetes is occurring at a much higher rate in that population compared to others,” said Dr. George King, Chief Scientific Officer at Joslin. “Dr. Aranata, who will give the inaugural lecture, is a national leader in the area of health and diabetes among Asian-Americans and, along with Joslin researchers, is spearheading a national awareness campaign to screen for diabetes in the Asian-American communities at a lower body mass index.”

Dr. Araneta’s lecture will take place on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 at 12:00pm in the third floor lecture hall at Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston.


BOSTON - Tuesday, February 21, 2017 - In partnership with the City of Lyon, France, Mayor Martin J. Walsh last week welcomed 20 global startups in the biotech, information and cleantech fields at a reception concluding Big Booster's week-long boot camp program intended to accelerate innovation for technology startups globally. Big Booster, launched in April 2015, is the first non-profit, international accelerator program between Boston and Lyon, France, and is intended to foster a creative global entrepreneurial exchange.

"I am thrilled that international entrepreneurs are not only coming to Boston to share innovation ecosystems, but also to highlight and collaborate on sustainability, culture, education and tourism stewardship," said Mayor Walsh. "I am thankful Lyon is such a cooperative and proactive global partner, and Big Booster's robust and continued support of entrepreneurship helps foster our vision of global innovation and economic development."

"We are proud to sustain Big Booster for this second wonderful year," said Karine Dognin-Sauze, Lyon Deputy Mayor. "The quality of the start ups of this year, their ambition, and the way they improved this week is a reflection of the power of Big Booster, and of the dynamism of the ecosystems between Boston and Lyon."

In Big Booster's second boot camp to Boston, industrial partners shared their expertise with startups from France, Italy, Israel, Senegal and Belgium through mentoring sessions and panel discussions that included some of Boston's industry-leading and innovation stakeholders. Last Thursday, nine startups were selected by local industry experts as finalists to compete in the final stage of the Big Booster competition in April in Lyon.
"Thanks to the quality of the Lyon Booster Camp selection and a customized program with specific content crafted for our start-ups by Big Booster, this week in Boston was a real success both for our partners and the companies participating through intense, prolific networking in a kind spirit of efficiency, under the guidance of the Big Booster team," said Anne-Marie Graffin, CEO of Big Booster.

The finalists were announced at a reception in the Bruce C. Bolling Municipal Building by John Barros, Chief of Economic Development, Lyon Deputy Mayor Dognin-Sauze, French Consul General in Boston Valéry Freland, as well as some of Boston's leaders in innovation and business development. The nine finalists are:

  • Clim8, the first clothing to be intelligent enough to regulate your temperature and improve comfort whatever the activity or climatic conditions.
  • FineHeart, a medical device company focused on creating innovative technologies in the cardiovascular space.
  • ForCity, empowers cities and companies with unique capability of simulating and optimizing the future of their businesses in systemic cities.
  • Glomeria Therapeutics, an Innovative Pertoneal Dialysis solution with enhanced patient safety level, preventing peritonitis, membrane rapid degradation and personalization.
  • Gulplug, develops disruptive wireless and self-powered energy sensors to help building and industry energy managers save their power consumption.
  • HySiLabs, based on an unique modular liquid solution which makes H2 easy to use, enables anywhere, anytime smooth transitions from fossil to clean fuel.
  • In Touch, aggregates all mobile payment solutions and digital services available on the African market on one device with one account for all operators.
  • Micropep Technologies, provides natural genes silencing boosters for a new generation of biostimulant, biocontrol and plants' biotechnologies solutions.
  • Sylfen, integrates energy storage and production solutions for buildings and ecodistricts, willing to secure their energy supplies with local sources.
About the Mayor's Office of Economic DevelopmentThe Economic Development Cabinet's mission is to make Boston an appealing and accessible place for working families, entrepreneurs, businesses, and investors to innovate, grow, and thrive in a way that fosters inclusion, broadens opportunity, and shares prosperity, thereby enhancing the quality of life for all Bostonians and the experience for all visitors. Learn more on their website .

About BigBoosterFounded in April 2015, BigBooster is a unique international non-profit acceleration program for early-stage startups with cutting edge innovation in the fields of Bio Health, Informative Tech, and Global Impact. Organized between Lyon (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France) and Boston (Massachusetts, USA), 2 worldwide renowned hubs with strong innovation ecosystems, its goal is to become the largest European competition for early-stage startups with a global outreach and namely from the Europe-Middle East-Africa zone. Bolstered by many public and private partners, BigBooster is organized by the Fondation pour l'Université de Lyon. For additional information, please visit www.bigbooster.org.

City of Boston, 1 City Hall Square, Boston, MA 02201
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