
星期六, 11月 22, 2014


國際領袖基金會( International Leadership Foundation )11月6日(週四)透過全美分會會長聯線電話會議,宣佈2015年度「暑期公共事務實習計劃」即起開始報名,明年二月一日截止受理。
            凡是在大學本科就讀,具美國公民身份,GPA 成績3.0以上的亞太裔學生,均可申請參加公共事務實習計劃。查詢詳情或遞交申請資料,可上網 www.ileader.org

            國際領袖基金會有著名亞太裔領袖,前聯邦勞工部部長趙小蘭擔任名譽理事長,前交通部長豐田擔任基金會名譽主席。該會在全美各地設有分會,擔任會長者包括林美蓮 (舊金山),劉馨儀  (洛杉磯),孔慶超 (底特律),傅惠芬 (芝加哥),李學海 (紐約),黄國清 (華盛頓DC),伯尼莊麗香 (休斯頓),嚴培達 (奧蘭多),鄭漢城 (邁阿密),葉超, 子平 (新英格蘭),小燕 (西雅圖),Anila Ali (橙縣),簡衛 (亞特蘭大)等。其他的榮譽會長和委員會主委包括孫陳小鳴,來蘇,許文忠,陳鈞亞,趙惠普,沈郭逸媛,羅維宗,周燕霞,韓麗莉等。


演講比賽最後評定各中文水平組的一等獎3名,二等獎6名,三等獎11名,並由羅德島大學中文領航項目代理主任和孔院代理院長Erin Papa,語言系主任Norbert Hedderich,羅德島大學中國文化俱樂部主席楊慶等人頒獎給得獎參賽者。




Starbucks expects India to be among its top five markets

NEW DELHI: Starbucks Coffee, the world's largest coffeehouse chain, expects India to be among its top five markets as it looks to continue expanding its operations in the country. "India is a strategic market and one day it will be among our top five markets," said John Culver, group president, Starbucks China and Asia Pacific, who was in India to mark the Seattle-based company's two years in operations in the country.

"We are very optimistic about the market in India where the response has been tremendous for the last two years," Culver told ET.Besides expanding its presence in the country, Starbucks also plans to export locally sourced coffee to select stores in other Asian countries and sell it online in the United States.

The coffee, known as the 'Indian Estates Blend' coffee, was launched last year on the completion of the brand's one year in the country.Tata StarbucksLtd, a 50:50 joint venture between Starbucks and Tata Global Beverages, currently operate 59 stores in six cities including Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Pune, Bengaluru, Chennai and Hyderabad. It has 1,000 employees.

In 2012, the joint venture said it will earmark $80 million initial investment to open 50 stores in the country.Culver declined to comment on future investment and the number of stores it plans to open, but said India is a longterm market for Starbucks.India's coffee retailing market is estimated at more than Rs 1,700 crore and is growing over 20% a year. Established players in the market include Cafe Coffee Day, Barista and Costa Coffee.

星期五, 11月 21, 2014

Center for Autism and Related Disorders to Host Free Massachusetts Autism Insurance Workshops for Parents

Center for Autism and Related Disorders to Host Free Massachusetts Autism Insurance Workshops for Parents
The workshops will educate parents on the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and the most effective ways to access coverage for autism treatment.
PLYMOUTH and WOBURN, Mass. (Nov. 21, 2014) - Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD) will present two free workshops titled “Massachusetts Insurance Funding for Autism Workshops” to help parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) navigate their way through the insurance coverage process.  Parents will learn what services must be covered under Massachusetts law and the most effective ways to access coverage.   The first workshop will take place on Thursday, Dec. 4 from 6-8:00 p.m. at 331 Montvale Ave., 5th Floor in Woburn and the second on Friday, Dec. 5 from 6-8:00 p.m. at 118 Long Pond Road, Suite 205 in Plymouth.  To RSVP, email S.Price@centerforautism.com or call 818.345.2345 extension 1014.  Refreshments and light snacks will be provided.
For the last two years, the Massachusetts Autism Insurance Law (H 4935) has required that most health plans cover treatment for children with ASD and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) exchange plans also cover applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy for individuals with ASD.  The newest development is the requirement for Medicaid plans to start covering these therapies as well.   The two-hour workshops will teach parents: what insurance companies will and will not cover, types of plans and rules regarding coverage, effective strategies to maximize benefits, how to understand the complexities of different insurance carriers, which plans will have to comply with H 4935 and ACA, and what to know during open enrollment.
“It is important for parents to know what autism services are mandated by Massachusetts law and how to access funding for those services,” said CARD director of contracts, Bryce Miler.  “The workshops will give parents the knowledge necessary to advocate for their children.” 
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), estimates that one in every 68 children in America is diagnosed with ASD, with one in 42 boys and one in 189 girls diagnosed.  This is more than a 30 percent increase since the 2008 report.  As the prevalence of ASD has increased, services for children with ASD have not always kept pace with demand. As a result, families affected by ASD may encounter challenges when trying to access quality treatment. The increase in autism diagnoses and the lack of resources available to families in many communities leave parents struggling to access the services that are crucial to their child’s development. 
About Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD)
CARD treats individuals of all ages who are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) at its 29 treatment centers around the globe. CARD was founded in 1990 by leading autism expert and clinical psychologist Doreen Granpeesheh, PhD, BCBA-D. CARD treats individuals with ASD using the principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA), which is empirically proven to be the most effective method for treating individuals with ASD and recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the US Surgeon General. CARD employs a dedicated team of nearly 2,000 individuals across the nation and internationally. For more information, visit www.centerforautism.com or call (855) 345-2273.

賭場法過關 摩頓市獲一百萬元 陸續有來

            麻州民眾在十一月四日的選舉投票中,否決了廢除麻州2011年通過的賭場法這提案,永利度假村(Wynn Resorts)公司董事長狄沙維(Robert DeSalvio)遵照2013年十月簽署的周邊社區協議,拿出了一百萬元的支票,交給摩頓市市長葛帝生(Gary Christenson),以及摩頓是市議會。
            這一百萬元代表著資助公共安全,基礎設施,美化環境的前期款。一旦艾弗瑞永利(Wynn Everett)開張了,摩頓市會每年收到一百萬元,可用於修橋,補路,維護治安,支持企業,社區營運等。


            摩頓市長葛帝生(Gary Christenson)從永利度假村(Wynn Resorts)公司董事長狄沙維(Robert DeSalvio)手中收下一百萬元支票。(圖由摩頓市府提供)

慶祝全球創業週 波市長邀創業家聚會

波士頓市政府配合本地的慶祝全球創業週(Global Entrepreneurship Week),昨(廿)日在市政招待來自十幾個初創公司的代表。
            波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)和市府科技部門工作人員,和小企業孵化器的經理,企業東主等人晤談,討論馬丁華殊政府能如何更好的支持這些初創事業社區,讓他們的創新力帶動波市經濟發展。
            昨日參與聚會的公司有劍橋創新中心(CIC)波士頓分部,高地資本(Highland Capital,),麻州挑戰(MassChallenge),地區廳(District Hall),我們工作(WeWork),以小時計書呆子(HourlyNerd),波士頓聯盟(Coalition Boston),在城市更智慧(Smarter in the City),工作吧(Workbar),地方分析(Localytics),以及街道智慧媒體(Streetwise Media)等。
            波市府市長辦公室的創新科技部,新郊區機器(New Urban Mechanics),經濟發展閣(Economic Development cabinet),三中有一(
            波市長辦公司的“新郊區機器”週三時和橙桶媒體(Orange Barrel Media)合作,在創新區的區域廳(District Hall),為“推介波士頓(PitchBoston)“的得勝者舉辦慶祝活動。共有六家公司製作了廿秒長的錄影帶,凸顯他們在波士頓的本地公司。這些錄影片段將在區域廳的大型電子佈告牌上播放六個月。
            在“推介波士頓”活動中,從三十家參加活動公司中穎而出的得勝隊伍包括,資助有創意者做有創意事情的真棒基金會(The Awesome Foundation ),把體育健將和私人教練連接起來,經由體育運動改變生活的“教練起來(CoachUp),一個本地傢俱設計者和生製造公司灰軟木(Greycork ),為家庭提供魚菜共生糧食系統的樹林實驗室(Grove Labs),協助企業,機構及發展商推出更成功地促使人參與的應用程式的 Kinvey 公司,以及協助夫婦受孕更快,保持懷孕健康的的懷孕追蹤器Ovuline 等。