
星期四, 5月 02, 2013


波士頓馬拉松賽的主辦單位,波士頓體育協會(B.A.A.)(2)日宣佈,捐款25萬元給波士頓一基金(The One Fund Boston, Inc.),以期為415日的波士頓馬拉松賽爆炸案中受影響最嚴重者聊盡心意。
            波士頓體育協會創立於1897年。該會董事長Joann Flaminio表示,該會要向1300名醫護人員,7200名義工,組織委員會,以及在第一時間衝往現場,拯救人們生命的波士頓市第一反應員們(first responders)致敬。

B.A.A. Contributes $250,000 Donation to The One Fund Boston, Inc.

Fund supports victims and families affected by the tragic events of April 15, 2013.

BOSTON – The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.), organizer of the Boston Marathon® since its inception in 1897, today announced a $250,000 donation to The One Fund Boston, Inc., which was organized to benefit those most affected by the tragic events that occurred in Boston on April 15, 2013.

“We express our deepest gratitude to the B.A.A.’s 1300 medical personnel, 7200 volunteers, and organizing committee, along with the City of Boston’s first responders, who reacted quickly and courageously to save lives,” said Joann Flaminio, B.A.A. President. “Their tireless efforts and their dedication remains with us as we begin to move forward.  Our thoughts continue to be with the victims, all of those injured, and their families.”

“In the days since April 15, Boston has experienced a worldwide outpouring of support and solidarity,” said Thomas Grilk, B.A.A. Executive Director. “We have witnessed incredible bravery, strength, and resilience from the people of this city. The B.A.A. continues to extend its deepest sympathies to all of those who were affected by this tragedy. As we continue to address matters relating to the 2013 Boston Marathon, we also will begin to turn our attention to the 2014 race.”

Massachusetts Governor Deval L. Patrick and Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino announced the formation of The One Fund Boston, Inc. as the main charitable effort for donations to benefit victims and their families. Individuals and corporations from around the world, including Boston Marathon sponsors, have combined to donate more than $28 million to The One Fund. For more information on The One Fund, please visit www.onefundboston.org.

The 118th Boston Marathon will be held on Monday, April 21, 2014.

麻州已達2017年太陽能目標 將另訂新標

BOSTON – Wednesday, May 1, 2013 – Governor Deval Patrick today joined Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Rick Sullivan and other energy officials to celebrate 250 megawatts of solar energy installed – reaching the Patrick-Murray Administration’s goal four years early – and announced a new goal of 1,600 MW by 2020.
“When we set ambitious goals and invest in achieving them, Massachusetts wins,” said Governor Patrick. “The many businesses and homeowners who have taken advantage of cost effective renewable energy installations are helping to create both a safer and a more prosperous Commonwealth for the next generation.”
"By working with our legislative and municipal partners throughout the Commonwealth, we have achieved an ambitious goal far ahead of schedule while also supporting the state’s clean energy economy," said Lieutenant Governor Timothy Murray. "We will build on this momentum, and continue to invest in renewable energy to lead the nation in this growing industry."
Under Governor Patrick’s leadership, the amount of solar energy installed has increased 80 times from the 3 MW installed in 2007. Massachusetts has established strong incentives for renewable energy production that have led to significant cost reductions in solar electricity, making clean energy more accessible to Massachusetts businesses and residents.
“This exciting announcement is a direct result of Governor Patrick’s leadership in the clean energy revolution,” said Secretary Sullivan. “The initiatives and incentives we have established in Massachusetts are saving residents money, creating jobs and protecting our environment.”
“Massachusetts has a lot to celebrate, including the success we’ve had reducing the cost of solar,” said Department of Energy Resources Commissioner Mark Sylvia. “Those businesses, cities and towns, and homeowners who invest in renewable energy will reap the benefits of stable, reliable costs from this clean, local source of electricity.”
The Commonwealth’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) Solar Carve-Out program has established a strong solar energy market in Massachusetts, with a current cap of 400 MW. As that target approaches, state energy officials are fast-tracking revisions to expand the program.
Residential solar electricity prices dropped 28 percent in Massachusetts in 2012, according to a report issued by the Solar Energy Industries Association in March 2013. This was the second biggest drop in the nation last year.
In addition to strengthening the RPS, the Green Communities Act, signed by Governor Patrick in 2008, established the Green Communities designation and grant program that provides technical assistance and incentives to support solar development in the Commonwealth’s municipalities. There are currently 110 designated Green Communities in the Commonwealth and nearly half of all Massachusetts residents live in a Green Community.
These targeted investments have led to economic growth and job creation. The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center’s (MassCEC) 2012 Massachusetts Clean Energy Industry Report showed an 11.2 percent growth in Massachusetts clean energy jobs between 2011 and 2012. Nearly 5,000 clean energy firms employ more than 71,000 clean energy workers.
“The success of the solar industry and the clean energy sector as a whole is a testament to the commitment Massachusetts has made to become a renewable energy leader,” said MassCEC CEO Alicia Barton. “While we celebrate the success of one goal, we’re excited to tackle the next, creating more local jobs and keeping more energy dollars here at home.”
The solar power installed in Massachusetts generates enough electricity to power more than 37,000 homes for a year, and when compared with fossil fuel-generated electricity, is the equivalent of eliminating the greenhouse gas emissions from nearly 26,000 cars a year.
When the new goal is reached, 1,600 MW of installed solar will generate enough electricity to power approximately 240,000 homes annually – the equivalent of 97 percent of Boston households – and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions produced by about 166,000 cars.
“The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) applauds the Commonwealth’s phenomenal success in attracting investment, innovative companies and jobs while driving down costs,” said SEIA Senior Vice President of State Affairs Carrie Cullen Hitt. “Massachusetts ranks number seven in the nation for solar installations (2012) and number two for driving down costs, which dropped over 28 percent in 2012. We look forward to expanding this success with Governor Patrick and his team.”
Massachusetts sits at the end of the energy pipeline, spending billions of dollars annually to import all of its fossil fuel based energy sources from places like South America, Canada and the Middle East. That is lost economic opportunity that Massachusetts stands poised to reclaim through investments in home-grown renewable energy programs.

星期三, 5月 01, 2013

麻州聯邦參議員特別選舉 選民冷淡

            其中華埠信義大廈投票站已投出約384張票,南端(South End)法蘭克林學院投票站投出554張票,華盛頓街上天主教高中投票站投出約456票。
            3個投票站門外,冷清到連一張候選人的宣傳標語也沒,反倒是華盛頓街上天主教高中的第3小選區,第7號投票站,掛著一張馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)競選波市市長,吳弭(Michelle Wu)競選波市不分區市議員的競選牌。
這場麻州聯邦參議員特別選舉的候選人共5名,包括民主黨2人、共和黨3人。民主黨的候選人為兩名現任聯邦眾議員,被形容為保守派的林奇(Stephen F. Lynch),以及被形容為自由派的聯邦眾議員馬基(Edward J. Markey)。共和黨的3名候選人,分別為曾任檢察官的保守派蘇利文(Michael J. Sullivan),曾為海軍海豹突擊隊員的生意人葛美茲(Gabriel E. Gomez),以及曾任區域法院法官,做了兩任麻州眾議員,諾弗克郡的溫斯羅(Daniel B. Winslow)




13個月內 波士頓大學11名學生殞命

波士頓大學428日又有一名學生喪生。22歲的李彬蘭(譯音,Binland Lee)不幸在火災中遇難,該校過去這一年來殞命學生總數,高達11人。
            該樓宇房東,住在牛頓市的Anna Belokurova,昨(430)日已被控非法分租房屋(illegal rooming house)。她還被控以未獲適當許可,就擅自在前述地址的地下室,加建睡房。波市稽查服務部(Inspectional Services Department)並勒令Anna Belokurova封存這已燒焦的三層樓房。
薩福克郡(Suffolk) 地方檢察官康雷(Daniel F. Conley)已指派檢控官調查案件。
            波士頓大學共有33000名學生,大部份人並不認識逝去的這些學生,但都對一再發生的不幸,感到難過非常。該校校長羅伯布朗(Robert Brown)說,他和該校學生都忍不住要問,為什麼是波士頓大學,為什麼是他們,這些事為什麼會發生,實在很沒道理。
            一年前,波士頓大學管理學院的一名研究生,Kanagala Seshadri Rao清晨時分從住處趕往朋友家,要幫朋友做功課時,不幸遭槍殺。去年4月,一名藥劑系的博士生在租住的公寓內注射有毒化學物自殺了。5約時,3名在海外修課的該校學生,乘搭的箱型車在新西蘭翻車,因而喪生。去年夏天,一名博士候選人在土耳其的一個考古項目點摔死了。去年秋天,兩名學生在校園附近騎自行車時,被撞死了。11月時是修讀國際關係學,來自台灣的學生楊鍾偉(Chung-Wei “Victor” Yang),和MBTA巴士擦撞,一個月後,讀新聞系的Christopher Weigl在麻州大道上和一輛要轉彎的拖拉機拖車相撞。3月時,該校新鮮人Anthony Barksdale II在校外舉行的一個兄弟會派對中,被人發現不醒人事。


            少林洪家超武館、振舜太極拳總會、中華耆英會、華埠王氏青年會、大同村、公路村等四地的太極班,分別派出代表與會,在蘿絲甘迺迪綠地(Rose Kennedy Greenway)的華埠公園內,輪流上場,示範、演練太極拳,藉以切磋功夫,推廣健身運動,交流結友。
            少林洪家超武館館長胡炳超當天向出席者講談「五行太極」,指該法依太極陰陽消長規律、和五行(金木水火土)生克變化規律、加入五禽(龍蛇虎豹鶴)等形意、以及12橋手 、與道家真氣功等基本元素創編,包括「五行相生」:金生水,水生木,木生火,火生土等中國傳統理論。超武館學員隨後示範了五行太極拳法。
東方文化中心教練陳麗群(Linda Law)率眾示範了五行太極球。她表示,太極球以腰為主,旋轉運動脊椎,藉以達到調理和增强五臟六腑功能的功效,是防治脊椎病最有效方法。


全体参與者合照。胡炳超(左一) 、司徒宗達(二排右一) 、薛劍童(前左一)陳麗群(前右四)(圖由主辦單位提供)





Top 25 Innovations in Government Announced

Top 25 Innovations in Government Announced
Cambridge, Mass., – May 1, 2013 – Today the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University announced the Top 25 programs in this year’s Innovations in American Government Award competition. These government initiatives represent the dedicated efforts of city, state, federal, and tribal governments and address a host of policy issues including crime prevention, economic development, environmental and community revitalization, employment, education, and health care. Selected by a cohort of policy experts, researchers, and practitioners, four finalists and one winner of the Innovations in American Government Award will be announced in the fall. A full list of the Top 25 programs is available here.
“These Top 25 innovations in government offer real, tangible ways to protect our most disadvantaged citizens, educate the next-generation workforce, and utilize data analytics to enhance government performance,” said Stephen Goldsmith, director of the Innovations in Government program at the Ash Center. “Despite diminishing resources, these government programs have developed model innovations that other struggling agencies should be inspired to replicate and adapt to their own communities.”

A Culture of Innovation
A number of this year’s Top 25 programs foster a new culture of innovation through online collaboration and crowdsourcing. Signaling a new trend in government, these programs encourage the generation of smart solutions to existing and seemingly intractable public policy problems. LAUNCH—a partnership among NASA, USAID, the State Department, and NIKE—identifies and scales up promising global sustainability innovations created by individual citizens and organizations. The General Services Administration’s Challenge.gov uses crowdsourcing contests to solve government issues: government agencies post challenges, and the broader American public is awarded for submitting winning ideas. The Department of Transportation’s IdeaHub also uses an online platform to encourage its employees to communicate new ideas for making the department more adaptable and enterprising. 

Helping Troubled Neighborhoods
Helping our nation’s most disadvantaged citizens and residents was also a common characteristic among this year’s Top 25. New York City’s Office of Financial Empowerment connects low-income New Yorkers with financial education counseling and asset-building services. Also in New York City, Homebase offers families at imminent risk of homelessness with customized services and support, so that they avoid losing their homes. The Department of Housing and Urban Development follows a similar model to Homebase; its targeted interventions through the Sustainable Communities Initiative are making a notable impact on crime, failing schools, poor infrastructure, and other interconnected causes of poverty.

Environmental Revitalization
Often hand-in-hand with struggling communities is the distressed land on which they reside. As a collaboration among the Yukon River Tribes and Nations—made up of 70 sovereign indigenous governments primarily based in Alaska—its Watershed Council follows an international governance model to protect the Yukon River and ensure its water is drinkable for generations to come. The Environmental Protection Agency’s Re-Powering America’s Land Initiative revitalizes degraded land, preserves existing green spaces, and encourages the development of environmentally-friendly, energy solutions.

The Next Generation Workforce
Several government initiatives tackle challenges to our education system and prepare students for employment opportunities. Metropolitan College in Louisville, Kentucky, collaborates with the private sector to equip students with the education skills and training necessary to become attractive workforce candidates upon graduation. Also targeting America’s next generation workforce, Alaska’s Native Science and Engineering Program (ANSEP) trains Indigenous Americans for future careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Much like ANSEP, Rocketship Education of Santa Clara County, California, and Today’s Students Tomorrow’s Teachers of New York’s Westchester County Public Schools leverage mentors, tutors, and special training programs to reduce the achievement gap in underperforming schools and improve career opportunities.

The Innovations in American Government Awards was created by the Ford Foundation in 1985 to shine a light on effective government programs. Since its inception, over 400 government innovations across all jurisdiction levels have been recognized and have collectively received more than $22 million in grants to support dissemination efforts. Such models of good governance also inform research and academic study. The Center also recently announced 13 programs as Bright Ideas, an initiative of the broader Innovations in American Government Awards program.

About the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation
The Roy and Lila Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation advances excellence and innovation in governance and public policy through research, education, and public discussion. Three major programs support our mission: the Program on Democratic Governance; the Innovations in Government Program; and the Rajawali Foundation Institute for Asia. For more information, visit www.ash.harvard.edu.