
星期二, 5月 03, 2016


              (Boston Orange)駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處、波士頓波士頓華僑文教服務中心與牛頓市海德社區中心,將於5月7日(週六)在位於牛頓市的僑教中心(90 Lincoln street, Newton Highlands, MA 02461)攜手舉辦「牛頓台灣日」活動。
             表演節目將自1時開始,有山地舞、民族舞蹈、扯鈴、採茶舞、Nia及LuLu 帶動跳等文化表演。台灣移民社團及中文學校將在現場擺設許多小吃及遊戲攤位,美食包括台灣肉圓、蘿蔔糕、芋頭糕、草仔粿、春卷、素炒米粉、雞翼、滷蛋、粽子、烤玉米、魷魚羹、掛包、冬瓜茶、發糕(抹茶、黑糖) 、水餃、紅豆湯、甜不辣、水、粉圓豆花、粽子、台式臭豆腐、鹹酥雞、杏仁豆腐、麻醬涼麵、烤香腸、燒餅、米線、涼粉、洛神花茶、口袋包、糯米飯 "ha'ha"、蜜糖地瓜、糖葫蘆、青蛙撞奶、咖哩餃、油飯、蛋蛋麵、手工蚱、烤香腸、烤肉、冰棒、台灣小零食、貢丸湯、義賣2手童書、童衣、童玩等活動。僑教中心也將準備台灣醫療服務國際化文宣、台灣觀光及勞作摺紙等,分贈與會人士。(僑教中心供稿)

Come join us on Saturday, May 7th for the 9th annual Taiwan Day Festival with 2000+ party-goers!

The event provides a venue to share Taiwanese culture and cuisine with the public. Whether you are Taiwanese or not, there is surely something fun for everyone with our performances and cheap tapas-style food items. Entertainment + food + crowd→ a good afternoon!

The performance highlight features a passionate group of musicians from Berkeley College of Music, who will be playing popular hits from the 60s to current times to cook up some nostalgia for all ages! With the jolly music in the background, there will be 50+ booths offering non-alcoholic beverages, night market food/appetizers/snacks, Taiwanese holiday food items, desserts, and games. If you haven’t already notice that Taiwanese is big on food, there will be plenty of vegetarian & vegan options as well. Check out our website for food menu and performance schedule!

Come early to start the party with us!

( For more information, follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Taiwan-Day-1538997789737183/ and Website: https://newtontaiwanday.wordpress.com/ )

This event is open to general public.
FREE admission!

第九屆『台灣日』,即將於五月七日中午十二點,在Newton市的Hyde Playground 熱鬧登場!每一年的台灣日,提供所有參加者一個絕佳的親子共享、闔家共賞之歡樂機會。在一面欣賞各個社團精彩表演的同時,還可以一邊享受各式經典台灣美食佳餚,對於想進一步體驗台灣文化之美的朋友們,一定不容錯過!

台灣日活動,每年吸引超過兩千名民眾前來參加,今年規模更較往年空前盛大。多元化主題的各式攤位,讓你 “ 吃、喝、玩、樂 ”一次滿足!琳瑯滿目的食物以及讓人目不暇給的表演,絕對為你的家人及朋友們帶來全新、絕妙的台灣體驗。


要去春天最好玩的活動 就去『台灣日』!

Performing Group

New England Hakka Association (NEHA)
 Founded in 2011, the New England Hakka Association (NEHA) has more than one hundred family members. There are social and culture events held during the year. The celebration of  National Hakka Day (January 20th of Lunar Calendar) is the most unique and extraordinary  event throughout the year. It offers chances to experience Hakka culture, traditional cuisine,  desserts, activities, folk songs and dances.     Every Wednesday at the large activity room of the Culture Center, the members of NEHA and  friends gather together for Line Dance (1 ­ 2 pm) and Chinese Folk Dance(2 ­ 4 pm) classes.  Instructor Sherri Yu’s enthusiasm is highly appreciated, and her effort has made Hakka Dance  more popular on the foreign land. On May 7th, they are going to perform a Hakka Song「來就是客」,Line Dance 「Love to You Taiwan」 (created by singer Lobo to express his love to people  in Taiwan) and Tango Cha Cha combo 「Dance with Me」. We hope to see you there!    The members of NEHA welcome everybody to come join us as our guest in each activity.
紐英倫客家鄉親會成立於二零一一年以來, 在歷任會長的努力下已有一百多個家庭會員. 每年定期 舉辦客家文化活動及鄉親聯誼會, 其中客家「天穿日」(農曆元月二十日)慶祝活動更是最俱客家 文化特色的民俗節慶.  因感念女媧補天, 拯救天下蒼生, 每逢天「穿」之日, 便祭祀感恩,  是為「天 穿日」. 傳統中, 這天客家人會放下工作, 男不耕田、女不織布, 共唱山歌來慶祝. 一方面忙裡偷閒,  也讓大地休養生息.  俱有客家文化獨特性的「天穿日」更被定為全國客家日, 以彰顯客家族群對台 灣多元文化的貢獻!    附屬在客家會的二個舞蹈班在每星期三下午於僑敎中心活動大廳研習 ­ 排舞一點至二點, 民俗舞二 點至四點. 由衷地感謝指導老師余嘯渝的義務及熱枕, 讓美妙及俱鄉土性的各式舞蹈得以在異鄉傳 承. 今年台灣日民俗舞學員們將表演旋律優美的客家歌曲「來就是客」. 此外,排舞班學員們還要演 出富有特殊意義, 由美國歌手灰狼Lobo為了表達對台灣這塊土地的情感,特地為台灣編寫的一首 歌曲「Love to You Taiwan」(愛台灣)和「歡樂探戈」, 期待大家前來共享!    好客的客家鄉親們誠摯地歡迎各界朋友前來做客, 參與我們的各項活動, 與我們同樂!

Cambridge Ensemble
Founded in 2011, Cambridge Ensemble consists of members from CCCS. In recent years, they have been extensively involved in the larger Chinese community, performing at such events as NEACP conference, Boston Taiwan Association, TAP-Boston, Taiwan Music Festival, Newton Taiwan Day, and MIT Techiya concerts.

YuanJi Dance-Exercise
Originated from China, YuanJi Dance is a mixture of martial art, physical fitness and Qi Gong  exercise, with frequent extension movement of arms and legs to increase blood circulation to  the brain and other parts of the body. “Yuan” means origin and “Ji” means the life cycling  principal, put together the two characters, YuanJi refers to the original life principal of all beings.  It is believed that participating YuanJi Dance everyday can help slow down the inevitable aging  process and prevent the unnecessary senile syndrome. It is easy to learn, people practice the  matchless YuanJi Dance with magnificent Chinese conventional music throughout the exercise,  and adds happiness in life.    For more information please visit our web page   http://www.facebook.com/YuanJiNewtonMA
麻州牛頓元極舞健身會會員們將於今年的台灣日表演元極舞第五單元 康褔舞 ­  「春滿人間」. 本單元共分六式 ­ 春光燦爛、江山多嬌、喜樂田園、水淨月圓、雲天紫霞 以及春 滿人間. 其動作形、神、態相合, 情、境、音交融. 整個舞蹈動作自然流暢, 身法步法圓融, 自然達 到氣血調和、身心歡暢、健身康福之效果.    此外, 我們能歌善舞、活力四射、隨時與青春同行的會員們還要加碼再舞上一首「馬蘭情歌」, 由 擁有深厚舞蹈基礎的會員淑英所精心編舞, 這支原住民竹節舞節奏輕快舞步活潑, 配合大家忘年賣 力的演出絕對能帶給您視覺上的震撼與享受!    元極舞是依中國傳統武術、養生保健理論、氣功、內家拳、中醫人體經脈規律等, 以及優美動聽的 元極音樂所編織而成獨俱特色的舞蹈. 形式簡單而活潑, 男女老少皆宜, 寓練功於娛樂中. 以調和身 心, 疏通經絡, 長期習練還可達到「凍齡」的功效哦!竭誠邀請您, 健身養生大家一起來!    更多的資訊請光臨我們的網頁   http://www.facebook.com/YuanJiNewtonMA

ACAS New England American Chinese Art Society
New England American Chinese Art Society
Executive Artistic Director: Jade Lin
The American Chinese Art Society (ACAS) is a non-profit organization that was incorporated in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in 1984.  ACAS has sponsored Annual Chinese Dance Festival, Annual Chinese Dance Summer Workshop and has been held the New England Chinese Dance Competition every other year. For the past 30+ years, the ACAS Traditional Chinese Dance Troupe has provided solid training to many talented young dancers and also performed traditional Chinese dances at many places on various occasions throughout New England states and far beyond including: London, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang, Dalian, Taiwan, Hawaii, Disney World, Disneyland, Philadelphia, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, etc.,  with great successes.  In January, 2009, Executive Director Jade Lin received a prestigious “Hai-Hwa High Honor Award” with a medal conferred in person by then OCAC Commissioner Wu, ROC, in recognition of her many outstanding contributions to advancing the artistic heritage and promoting Chinese culture in Chinese communities. This award also signifies the continuing efforts and accomplishments of ACAS in promoting Chinese culture. Notably, in late December 2013, ACAS had the great honor to be invited to participate in the 27th New Year’s Parade and Festival in London with several performances with great success.
紐 英崙中華藝術協會(藝協)成立於1984年,是經麻州州政府正式立案的非營利文化組織,旨在藉舞蹈推廣宣揚中華文化。三十多年來藝協傳統中國舞蹈團培育不 少舞蹈人才,每年在紐英崙地區及外州參與各社團及節慶表演活動,成果豐盛。足跡遍及英國倫敦、北京、瀋陽、大連、台灣、夏威夷、上海、加州迪斯尼樂園、佛 州迪斯尼樂園、費城、緬因州、羅德島及新罕布夏州等,在宣揚文化上的努力與成就有目共睹。2009一月,藝協執行長陳玉律接受自中華民國僑委會委員長吳英 毅手中頒贈的海華榮譽獎章,以表揚她對僑社文化藝術傳承與宏揚中華文化的傑出貢獻。2013年十二月,藝協應倫敦邀請,參加倫敦27th屆新年大遊行及節 慶演出。

Nia Technique is a fusion fitness program that draws from Dance Arts, Martial Arts and Healing Arts. In any given Nia class you are encouraged to move while exploring, unleashing and enhancing your individual potential.  As a global practice with a broad international clientele you can find Nia classes in over 41 countries world-wide and they are taught by over 2,500 licensed Nia Teachers. 
 Our current Nia class at the Chinese Culture center has a community of over 23 dancing members. The class is offered every Friday morning. 
 Join us for a class! We are a feel good, look good cardio-dance workout.
尼雅是一種合乎潮流的身心靈養生健身課程。 它結合了舞蹈,武術和靈修的概念,讓身體在樂音律動中 得到健康和愉悅。  目前全世界約有 二千五百多位尼雅認證老師。在超乎四十一 個國家教學尼雅 ,目前晉升黑帶段位的陳秀恵老師是波士頓地區第一位被尼雅協會認證的華人老師。
 我們在僑教的尼雅班,目前有大約 二十多位學員,每週五在中心學習交流。

Karaoke Club (GBCCA, Greater Boston Chinese Cultural Association), —
The GBCCA is a volunteer-driven organization and the home to many programs and activities, including the GBCCA Library, the Huaxin Chinese Language School , Huaxin School of Arts, Huaxin After School Program, Chinese Music Ensemble, New England Chinese Youth Summer Camp and Chinese Cultural Outreach Program. GBCCA membership is open to anyone who supports our objectives.

Lily Tseng 女高音
Li-Han “Lily” Tseng received her Doctor of Music Arts in vocal performance from The University of Alabama and Master of Music degrees in voice performance from Longy School of Music of Bard College and Taipei National University of the Arts.
Dr. Tseng is an active performer in chamber music, choir, recital and opera. She was an assistant accompanist for the Adult Chancel Choir and the principal accompanist for the Children’s Worship Arts Choir at First United Methodist Church at Tuscaloosa, AL. With years of performing experience, Tseng’s wide-ranging interests and expertise include working with professional musicians, adult avocational singers at all levels, and young singers.
Now, Dr. Tseng is a resident choir singer at The First Church in Boston, voice and piano faculty member of New School of Music (Cambridge) and Maestro Musicians.


The Tai Chi and Qi Gong with Fang Association 芳太極氣功協會
The Tai Chi and Qi Gong with Fang Association is located in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The Association offers classes in Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and Tai Chi weapons. Its members have participated in local, national, and international competitions. In 2014 members of the Association won 18 medals at the Tai Chi Chuan World Federation World Cup in Taipei. This October the Tai Chi and Qi Gong with Fang Association will again send competitors to the World Cup.
