
星期五, 4月 08, 2016

龍應台 4/9 到波士頓大學台灣論壇演講

Taiwan Forum Public Lecture at Boston University

Topic: Leadership in Social Activism and Policy in Asia Today
Speaker: Dr. Lung Yingtai, Former Minister of Culture of Taiwan, Celebrated Writer & Public Intellectual
Time: Saturday, April 9, 11:15 am – 12:45 pm
Place: 765 Commonwealth Ave., Room 103, Law School, Boston University
Lung Yingtai, former Minister of Culture, is also a celebrated writer, literary critic and public intellectual. Having written 30 books, Lung not only has a large number of devoted readers in her native Taiwan, but her works also have great influence in the Chinese-language world in Hong Kong, China, and North America.
Please click the link below for registration:

時間: 4/9 上午 11:15am - 12:45 pm 
地點: BU Pardee School of Global Studies, 121 Bay State Rd.,
講題: Leadership and policy Making 

有意參加者, 請務必先上網 http://www.bu.edu/asian,進入RSVP填資料, 勾選 Workshop Session 2 (Saturday, April 9)
