
星期四, 5月 07, 2015

Campaign 101" Training 5/9

This Saturday May 9th from 9am-6pm, America’s Opportunity Fund (AOF) will be conducting "Campaign 101" Training, which will educate leaders who are thinking of working on a Democratic political campaign in the 2016 cycle (see info & registration link, below).

America's Opportunity Fund (AOF) is a 527 Political Action Committee that provides opportunities for Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) candidates, and communities of color, to participate fully in the electoral process.

Both Boston City Councilor Michelle Wu & Cambridge City Councilor (and former Lt. Gov. candidate) Leland Cheung are also helping organize and recruit for this training.

Here's the link to register with additional information (including registration fee), below:

Please let me know if you have any questions?

- Leverett
(additional information, below)

Boston Campaign 101 Training

America’s Opportunity Fund (AOF) will be conducting a Campaign 101 Training, which will educate leaders who are thinking of working on a Democratic political campaign in the 2016 cycle.

America's Opportunity Fund (AOF) is a 527 Political Action Committee that provides opportunities for Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) candidates, and communities of color, to participate fully in the electoral process.

The goals of AOF are to affect a marked increase in the number of Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) elected officials in statewide and federal office; generate significant funds to support its mission in targeted states throughout the country; increase voter visibility and participation with communities of color to support AOF endorsed candidates to achieve victory.

Campaign 101 Training will include hands-on political training taught by outside campaign specialists. The Workshop will focus on developing an effective campaign plan; targeting voters; recruiting volunteers; polling techniques; fundraising and budgeting; message development; working with the press; and getting out the vote.

Participants receive instruction based on a comprehensive curriculum from an outstanding faculty of consultants, and other well-qualified trainers. Participants will gain skills in leadership, political action, and civic participation.

The workshop will focus on training those who are interested on working on a political campaign or running for political office in 2016.

The program provides participants:
• Time and Advice from Seasoned Political Trainers
• Political & Leadership Skills Training
• Road Map (Curriculum) to your success

To attend:
• Submit application to http://goo.gl/forms/GkcQlzUqwo
• Tender $50 training fee

For information, please contact:
• Madalene Mielke events@opportunityfund.com

