
星期四, 4月 30, 2015

Rep. Chu Disappointed by Prime Minister Abe’s Speech to Congress

Rep. Chu Disappointed by Prime Minister Abe’s Speech to Congress

Washington, D.C. – Today, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe became the first Japanese Prime Minister to address a joint meeting of Congress. Prior to his address, Rep. Judy Chu (CA-27) urged Prime Minister Abe to acknowledge Japan’s role in forcing women known as “comfort women” into sex slavery during World War II. Rep. Chu, who attended the speech, released the following statement:

“While I am grateful that the Prime Minister acknowledged the suffering of Asians at the hands of Japanese soldiers during World War II, I am incredibly disappointed that he failed to directly address the problem of comfort women. Despite numerous pleas from Members of Congress and many others around the world – including countries whose citizens were the victims of Japan’s war time program – I sat and listened to him once again ignore Japan’s responsibility for this particularly troubling and painful chapter. As the Prime Minister said, ‘Armed conflicts have always made women suffer the most.’ But healing these wounds requires honesty and an admission of responsibility. Shirking that responsibility and attributing it instead to the cost of war amounts to a pardon of those who made decisions to dehumanize these women and is license to future generations to use war as an excuse. The Prime Minister said that Japan’s eyes are always on the road ahead, but without responsibility and remorse, it is impossible to move forward.”

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美侨学界社团联合致信全体国会议员 痛批安倍毫无道歉诚意

美侨学界社团联合致信全体国会议员 痛批安倍毫无道歉诚意
信函也提醒国会议员们,全美各地的亚太裔社区,在安倍晋三访美期间,对于安倍的战争表态表达出了极大的愤慨,安倍当天在国会毫无诚意的发言,令亚太裔社区极度失望,发起了大量的抗议活动。希望美国国会议员们认清安倍对战争的一贯立场,关心和尊重亚太裔社区民众的历史情感, 更不要让“珍珠港”事件的翻版和幽灵,在国际社会中有任何的复活机会。(AACYF洛杉矶讯)
