
星期二, 9月 02, 2014


波士頓一基金(The OneFund Boston)昨(二)日宣佈,再撥款1850萬元給200多名波士頓馬拉松爆炸案受害者,另撥150萬元成立“一基金中心”。
2013415日發生的波士頓馬拉松爆炸案中,有3人死亡,260多人受傷。數天後,引爆炸彈的塔馬蘭(Tamerlan),佐哈爾(Dzhokhar Tsarnaev_)
            第二類為受到嚴重傷害者,包括需要截肢者,約35人,個可獲得15萬元至一百萬元。在第一輪發放中,這些嚴重受害者,住院但不需截肢者各獲得27 5千元至94 8千元,截斷一肢者,一百一十九萬五千元,截斷兩肢者,二百一十九萬五千元。

One Fund Boston Announces Final Cash Gifts to Individuals, and Establishes the One Fund Center to Provide Continued Support and Services
Over $80 million in unprecedented generosity distributed to support those most affected by the Boston Marathon Bombings
For Immediate Release: Press Contact: One Fund Boston September 2, 2014 1-855-617-FUND
Today, the One Fund Boston announced that they are distributing $18,459,327 in cash gifts to over 200 survivors and victims families most affected by the tragic events of April 15, 2013. This second cash distribution represents a total of over $80 million in cash gifts, support programs and services distributed from the One Fund Boston. This effort was made possible by the unprecedented donations from more than 200,000 individuals, corporations and charitable foundations across all 50 states and more than 60 countries. Thirty-six members of the One Fund community of survivors generously chose not to participate in the Second Distribution to allow for more resources to be directed to other survivors and to support the services needed for the invisible injuries such as hearing loss, tinnitus, and mental health.
In addition to the cash gifts, the One Fund Boston announced today that it has given $1.5 million to establish the One Fund Center. It will be located at Massachusetts General Hospital with Massachusetts Eye & Ear and Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, in collaboration with the Benson Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine and drawing on the experience and expertise of the Home Base Program. The Centers two-year mission is: to provide personalized care and support for those injured in the Marathon bombings and their families, evaluate and address the limitations created by their physical injuries and invisible wounds, and work toward maximizing survivorslifetime potential through proven programs and innovative treatments.
In developing the Second Distribution protocol, the One Fund Boston Board of Directors enlisted the assistance of a panel of medical experts to advise them on how to most effectively help the survivor community; hosted two meetings with the One Fund Community to elicit specific input on the draft protocol; and held two weeks of public comment online. The majority of the funds available will be disbursed to those survivors with the most severe physical injuries. Those suffering from extremity injuries that will require a lifetime of care and, in many instances, expensive prosthetics that may not be covered by insurance, were determined to need the most
resources in this final distribution to individuals. In addition to those with extremity injuries, the One Fund will make meaningful cash gifts to everyone who received a gift in the First Distribution who chose to apply for the Second Distribution. For those who did not suffer an extremity injury as defined by the Medical Advisory Panel and outlined in the Second Distribution protocol, the category in which they were considered in the First Distribution protocol was used to help determine the amount they received in the Second Distribution.
Cash gifts are being distributed as follows: Loss of Life; Extremity Injury; Individuals who spent 12 nights or more in the hospital; Individuals who spent fewer than 12 nights in the hospital; and Survivors who received out-patient treatment.
Loss of Life: 4 families who lost loved ones will each receive an additional $100,000
Total One Fund Boston gifts: - $2,295,000 for each family
Extremity Injury: Eligible applicants who are amputees, and those who may still face that very difficult decision in the future, were considered according to the type and severity of the injuries they received. In determining this second cash gift, the following factors were considered:
Whether they are single or double amputees;
The location of the amputation (above or below the knee);
Severe injuries to limbs such that they are considered salvage limbs; Age of the amputee; and
Number of surgeries the applicant has undergone since June 15, 2013.
35 Extremity Injury applicants will each receive between approximately $150,000 and $1.095M in the Second Distribution; in the First Distribution, these individuals received between $275,000 and $948,300 (no amputation but hospitalization for severely compromised limb), $1.195M (single amputation), or $2.195M (double amputation)
Range of total One Fund Boston cash gifts: $421,000 $3,290,700
Individuals who stayed 12 nights or more in the hospital, but did not qualify under the Extremity Injury protocol:
6 individuals will each receive $75,000 in the Second Distribution; in the First Distribution, they received between $480,000 and $948,300 (based on number of nights in hospital)
Range of total One Fund Boston cash gifts: $555,000 $1,023,300
Individuals who stayed fewer than 12 nights in the hospital:
37 individuals will each receive $25,000 in the Second Distribution; in the First Distribution, they received between $125,000 and $480,000 (based on number of nights in hospital)
Range of total One Fund Boston cash gifts: $150,000 $505,000

Individuals who saw a physician following the Boston Marathon bombings and received out-patient treatment for injuries sustained in the event:
125 individuals will each receive $12,500 in the Second Distribution; those who applied for the First Distribution received $8,000 in that distribution.
Total One Fund Boston cash gifts: 12,500 $20,500*
*10 individuals applied and were deemed eligible for the second distribution who were not part of the first distribution 
