
星期五, 6月 20, 2014

六月, 台青商、Map for Health 談同志

六月是美國同性戀月,麻州在六月十六日舉行了同性戀遊行(Boston Pride Parade)後,“健康地圖(MAP for Health)”將於六月廿七日(週五)放映陳偉健執導,拍攝的“承諾”一片來籌款,新英格蘭台灣青商會將於六月廿八日(週六)舉辦講座,說同志故事。
新英格蘭台灣青商會(TYCCNE)表示,一份2012 亞裔美國人做的調卻指出,亞裔只 37% 支持婚姻平權,48% 反對。其中,第二代移民、教育程度較高、英文能力較好的亞裔,比較能接受同性婚姻。凸顯出同志議題不只是社會問題,更文化與世代鴻溝。
            該會因此決定在六月廿八日下午四點至六點半時,在麻省理工學院的Maclaurin大樓,4-231教室,舉辦 “我們會晤(WeMeet)“活動,以「摩登家庭:從親子教養、青年成長與醫療健康看亞裔同志生命故事」為主題陳子良與思鐸 (Lance and Stuart Chen-Hayes) 這對台灣,美國男同志伴侶,分享他們相守 20 年、成家育子的故事。
該一講座還將邀請大波士頓同志家屬親友會執行長Pam Garramone 從同志家長與朋友的角度,討論大波士頓地區平權運動的展望。“健康地圖(MAP for Health )“社群發展協調者Tina Oza 討論如何進少數族裔同志年輕人照顧健康。中央研究院副研究員全峰博士將從法律觀點解析生育權益。報名可上網http://goo.gl/SkHtx3
“健康地圖(MAP for Health )“為籌措營運經費,推出的”眾籌(crowdfunding)“項目,也訂六月廿七日(週五)晚六至八點,在Make Shift Boston專場放映陳偉健(Albert M. Chan)編劇,執導,演出,得過獎的“承諾(The Commitment)“一片。查詢可上網https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/map-crowdfunding-drive-and-film-screening.


APIAHF Celebrates LGBT Pride Month

WASHINGTON—The Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF) joins the National Queer Asian Pacific American Alliance (NQAPIA) and other member organizations of the National Coalition for Asian Pacific Americans in celebrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month throughout June. 
“Pride Month honors the LGBT communities’ historical struggles and accomplishments while also celebrating the nation’s continued efforts to secure equal rights for all,” said Kathy Ko Chin, president and CEO of APIAHF. “We are proud to honor the legacy of contributions and achievements by previous and current APIAHF staff who identify as LGBT.”
“LGBT Asians Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders still experience homophobia, racism, and gender identity-based discrimination when accessing public health and health care services,” said Ed Tepporn, vice president of community strategies at APIAHF. “This can lead to delays in accessing care or receiving less than quality care or treatment.”
For over 20 years, APIAHF has worked to address health challenges and disparities in LGBT communities, including HIV/AIDS, cancer, hepatitis, and tobacco cessation. APIAHF currently provides HIV prevention-related capacity building assistance to community-based organizations (CBOs) and health departments across the nation with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Learn more at www.apiahf.org.
