
星期四, 3月 27, 2014


麻州大都會區域計畫會(MAPC)為協助昆市住家聯盟(Quincy HOME Consortium)製作一份南岸地區的“公平住房選擇障礙分析(Analyses of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (簡稱AIs))”,將從四月二日起,一連舉辦三場講座。
論壇舉行的時間,都是晚上七至九點,日期及地點,分別為四月二日在昆士市的市政府大樓(1305 Hancock Street, Quincy),四月十六日在衛矛斯鎮政府大樓的鎮議員議事廳(75 Middle St, Weymouth),五月十四日在碧樹鎮大樓的Johnson室(75 Middle St, Weymouth)。每場論壇都以英文,中文進行,並提供簡便晚餐。
查詢或報名,可洽邱潔芳 617-376-1298byau@quincyma.gov ,或 Sean Glennon sglennon@quincyma.gov

Please consider joining the forums & spread the word.
Fair Housing Forums 公平住房論壇
(Available in English and Chinese. Light dinner provided.
Please see text below & the attached flyer for details.)
公平住房論壇 - 備有英文和中文服務﹐提供簡便晚餐。詳情請參閱下文及電郵附件。

What is fair housing 什麼是公平住房?
Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, commonly known as the Fair Housing Act, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of dwellings based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The 1988 Fair Housing Amendments Act expanded coverage to prohibit discrimination based on disability or familial status (presence of child under age of 18 and pregnant women) and established new enforcement mechanisms for HUD and the Department of Justice.

The Metropolitan Area Planning Council, in partnership with the Quincy HOME Consortium, is in the process of identifying goals and actions to advance fair housing on the South Shore.  As part of this effort, MAPC and the Consortium will be hosting three public forums to solicit comments on its Regional Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing (RAI).
All meetings are open to the public and each will address fair housing in all five Consortium communities (Quincy, Weymouth, Braintree, Holbrook, and Milton).

The forum schedule is as follows:
April 2, 7-9pm - Quincy City Hall, 1305 Hancock Street, Quincy.  This hearing will include a discussion of each community in the Consortium, their fair housing needs and issues, and the capacity of those communities to address the needs identified. RSVP: http://bit.ly/RAI_Quincy

April 16, 7-9pm - Weymouth Council Chambers of Weymouth Town Hall, 75 Middle St, Weymouth. This meeting will address fair housing priorities, goals, and strategies: RSVP: http://bit.ly/RAI_Weymouth

May 14, 7-9pm - Johnson Chambers of Braintree Town Hall, 1 JFK Memorial Drive, Braintree.  This meeting will focus on a discussion of the final draft of the RAI. RSVP: http://bit.ly/RAI_Braintree

For more information 報名及查詢﹕
Betty Yau: 617-376-1298, byau@quincyma.gov or Sean Glennon at sglennon@quincyma.gov
Learn more about the project: http://www.mapc.org/sc-funded-fair-housing
