
星期三, 1月 08, 2014

William B. Evans 正式成為波士頓警察局長

波士頓新市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)上任第三日,人事任命陸續出爐。昨(八)日公佈,波士頓代理警察局長伊文斯(William Evans),今(九)日起真除。
伊文斯還因為處理為期七十天,在2011年十二月被警方和平解散的“佔領波士頓營地(Occupy Boston encampment)”活動,獲得表揚。
麻州少數族裔執法人員協會(Massachusetts Association of Minority Law Enforcement Officers)的領導者Larry Ellison認為,自從伊文斯出任代理警察局長以來,他和少數族裔警員的關係都很正面。
伊文斯是19942003年期間波士頓警察局局長保羅伊文斯的兄弟。他在1982年時加入警察局,擔任巡警,一級級晉升,成為警長,先派駐布來頓,奧斯頓,再派駐南端(South End),芬衛(Fenway)一帶的第四區。2008年從哈佛大學甘乃迪政府學院畢業,2009年他獲晉升為副局長,主管警局的現場服務,還負責特別活動及巡邏組。最近他又完成州及地方政府資深主管證書項目,參加了全國性準備領導力計劃,以及美國國土安全局的行政領袖項目。2009年時,他獲晉升為副局長,主管警局的現場服務,還負責特別活動及巡邏組。

BOSTON – On Thursday, January 9, Mayor Martin J. Walsh will appoint Interim Police Commissioner William B. Evans as Police Commissioner of the Boston Police Department.
"The Boston Police Department will be in great hands under the leadership of Bill Evans," Mayor Walsh said. "He knows how to manage his team of talented officers, has the respect of the rank and file, and has proven his ability to diffuse even the most difficult of public safety situations."
Commissioner Evans is a 31-year veteran of the Boston Police Department and has held a leadership role within the Department for several years. Evans has had notable roles in the successful, peaceful handling of the 70-day occupation of Dewey Square by Occupy Boston, the City’s response in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombings, and the capture of terrorist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
William Evans joined the ranks of the Boston Police Department as a patrol officer in 1982 and rose through the ranks becoming Captain of area D-4 in 2006, a post that brought him in close contact with religious leaders, community groups, and business owners and most recently to the management team as Superintendent of the Bureau of Field Services. Commissioner Evans is a 2008 graduate of Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government, and recently completed a certificate program for Senior Executives in State and Local Government and participated in the National Preparedness Leadership Initiative, John F. Kennedy School of Government/Harvard School of Public Health as well as National Post-Graduate School & U.S.  Department of Homeland Security, Executive Leaders’ Program.

A formal announcement will take place on Thursday, January 9.
